Aldeia suíça se prepara para evacuar – DW – 16/11/2024



Aldeia suíça se prepara para evacuar – DW – 16/11/2024

O perigo pode rapidamente tornar-se fatal: uns bons 1,2 milhões de metros cúbicos (42 milhões de pés cúbicos) de detritos rochosos podem cair no vale e soterrar a aldeia montanhosa suíça de Brienz abaixo dele. Os detritos estão atualmente se movendo a uma taxa diária de cerca de 25 centímetros (9,8 polegadas) em direção ao vale.

No fim de semana passado, o geólogo Stefan Schneider explicou a cerca de 90 residentes locais num evento informativo que se houvesse chuva ou queda de rochas, a velocidade poderia aumentar para 80 quilómetros por hora (49,7 milhas por hora) ou mais. Ele disse que isso não era provável no momento, mas se acontecesse, provavelmente não seria possível emitir avisos a tempo.

As pessoas foram orientadas a se preparar para evacuar nos próximos dias e avisadas de que talvez não conseguissem retornar às suas casas por meses.

“Por favor, preparem-se imediatamente”, alertou Pascal Porchet, chefe do departamento militar e de proteção civil do cantão de Grisões. Ele disse aos moradores para levarem consigo todos os objetos de valor que não pudessem ser repostos, bem como tudo o que precisassem para suas vidas diárias.

Vista aérea de uma aldeia tendo como pano de fundo as montanhas
A aldeia de Brienz foi evacuada durante semanas em 2023Imagem: Gian Ehrenzeller/KEYSTONE/aliança de imagens

‘Uma sensação de medo’

“Desde esta manhã tem havido um sentimento de medo, ou talvez de incerteza”, disse Arnold von Allem, que tem uma casa em Brienz, à emissora de rádio suíça SRF. Na manhã de sábado, as autoridades informaram os moradores por mensagem de texto, e-mail e em a plataforma de mídia social X (anteriormente Twitter) sobre o perigo agudo Ursin Bonifazi, um agricultor, disse à SRF sobre suas preocupações: “Temos medo da evacuação e temos medo de todo o processo”.

A evacuação será particularmente difícil para os agricultores que, como ele, têm animais. O gado deve ser retirado das pastagens ou estábulos e levado embora. Mas resta saber até onde eles podem ir.

A mesma pergunta se aplica aos residentes locais. Jörg Marguth, que administra uma linha direta para as pessoas afetadas, disse que o município e o cantão ajudariam as pessoas a encontrar alojamento. Mas ele disse que a maioria teria que tomar suas próprias providências.

Segunda evacuação em dois anos

Os moradores de Brienz já tiveram que sair antes. Em maio de 2023, houve risco de deslizamento de rochas e a área permaneceu fechada por semanas. Em junho do mesmo ano, uma enorme torrente de rochas e detritos desceu a montanha. Parou a poucos metros do antigo prédio da escola. Todos os edifícios em Brienz foram poupados, mas uma estrada e vários prados foram soterrados sob metros de cascalho e entulho. Os moradores não puderam retornar para suas casas até julho.

Agora, o perigo é potencialmente muito maior. Embora os detritos rochosos em 2023 tenham caído durante um período de seca, os escombros agora estão molhados após a chuva e têm maior probabilidade de soterrar a aldeia, disse Schneider. Embora esteja actualmente a ser construído um túnel por baixo da aldeia para drenar o excesso de água, a um custo de 40 milhões de francos suíços (42 milhões de euros, 45 milhões de dólares), ainda não está concluído.

Os rostos de várias vacas
O gado também deve ser evacuado, mas não é fácil encontrar novos lares para elesImagem: Jens Büttner/dpa/picture Alliance

O seguro só paga em caso de perda total

Brienz está localizada perto de Davos, onde o Fórum Econômico Mundial ocorre todos os anos, a uma altitude de cerca de 1150 metros. A montanha sobre a aldeia já se move há muito tempo, como indicam as fissuras nos edifícios e a inclinação da torre da igreja. O solo abaixo da aldeia desliza para o vale a uma taxa de 2,40 metros por ano.

“São 20 centímetros por mês”, disse um dos participantes do evento informativo. Ele disse que os danos que isso estava causando continuavam a crescer. “Portas que não fecham mais, esgotos que não funcionam mais, paredes, tetos, pisos destruídos. Essa é a minha realidade”.

Ele também reclamou que, embora tivesse seguro, só receberia indenização caso perdesse tudo: “Segurança não significa apenas sobrevivência, mas também segurança emocional e existencial, e se minha casa, que faz parte do meu plano de aposentadoria , vai pelo ralo, aí não terei segurança existencial”, afirmou.

Clima e erosão ameaçam o património da Grã-Bretanha

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Não devido às mudanças climáticas

De acordo com um comentário online num jornal suíço sobre a situação atual em Brienz, mudanças climáticas está exacerbando a erosão, mas não foi relevante neste caso. Após o deslizamento de rochas de 2023, o geomorfólogo Michael Dietze, da Universidade de Göttingen, no oeste Alemanha disse que o permafrost nos Alpes estava descongelando como resultado de mudanças climáticas causadas pelo homemmas isso estava acontecendo a uma altitude de cerca de 3.000 metros. Ele disse que o Brienz estava muito baixo para que as mudanças climáticas fossem a causa deste deslizamento de terra.

No entanto, Suíça está mudando, disse Dietze. Os processos na superfície da Terra estavam mudando, especialmente em altitudes mais elevadas. Devido ao aumento das temperaturas, as florestas também cresciam agora em altitudes mais elevadas, o que proporcionava mais estabilidade. Ao mesmo tempo, porém, o permafrost estava descongelando. E isso, por sua vez, estava levando a mais atividade entre as camadas rochosas em altitudes mais elevadas.

Este artigo foi publicado originalmente em alemão.

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Migração, uma força motriz por trás do desenvolvimento cultural dos chimpanzés



Grupo de chimpanzés, “Pan troglodytes”, na reserva Conkouati-Douli, na República Democrática do Congo, em junho de 2022.

“Se vi mais longe foi por estar sobre ombros de gigantes. » Extraída de uma carta ao seu rival Robert Hooke (1635-1703), esta citação de Isaac Newton (1642-1727) ilustra maravilhosamente o que antropólogos e biólogos comportamentais chamam de “cultura cumulativa”. Ninguém inventa ex nihilo. Até os gênios se inspiram nos primeiros mil passos de seus antecessores.

Em um artigo publicado em 21 de novembro na revista Ciênciauma equipa europeia acaba de mostrar que o mesmo se aplica aos chimpanzés. Aqueles de nossos primos não humanos que adquiriram culturas complexas o fizeram inspirando-se em membros da mesma espécie de outros lugares que dominaram a totalidade ou parte desses comportamentos sociais.

É importante, antes de mais, lembrar que, ao contrário do que há muito se pensa, a cultura, nomeadamente a aprendizagem social do comportamento, não é exclusiva do ser humano. Desde 1953 e a observação de macacos na ilha de Koshima, no Japão, lavando batatas antes de comê-las, os cientistas entenderam que outros primatas, os macacos, também são capazes disso. Desde então, das baleias aos chapins e até às moscas, a cultura invadiu o reino animal.

Leia também | Artigo reservado para nossos assinantes Macacos, baleias, pássaros… O homem não tem o monopólio da cultura

Restava, portanto, a cultura cumulativa, a aprendizagem social de comportamentos demasiado elaborados para que um indivíduo os descobrisse inteiramente sozinho. Aqui, novamente, nosso pedestal ruiu. Dois estudos experimentais, um com chimpanzés e outro com abelhas, mostraram, em março, a importância de um modelo para realizar tarefas complexas. Demonstrações realizadas em laboratório, em dispensador de amendoim, para o primeiro, ou com alavancas de acesso à água com açúcar, para os demais, que estabeleceram as habilidades dessas duas espécies. Mas como era na vida real?

Conjuntos de dados sobrepostos

Para tentar descobrir, a equipe que reúne laboratórios britânicos, suíços, alemães, austríacos e espanhóis montou um protocolo original: cruzar dados comportamentais e genéticos acumulados ao longo de vinte anos para tentar encontrar pistas. O primeiro acompanha as migrações das fêmeas na sociedade dos chimpanzés. Quando atingem a maturidade sexual, os jovens macacos abandonam o grupo e migram para terras mais ou menos distantes. A operação ajuda a evitar a endogamia. Mas também, queriam acreditar os investigadores, para disseminar comportamentos culturais. Para estudar este último, focaram no uso de ferramentas na busca por alimentos.

Você ainda tem 54,48% deste artigo para ler. O restante é reservado aos assinantes.

Leia Mais: Le Monde

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Trump contrata Pam Bondi para AG após a saída de Matt Gaetz – DW – 22/11/2024



Trump contrata Pam Bondi para AG após a saída de Matt Gaetz – DW – 22/11/2024

Pam Bondi foi nomeada pelo presidente eleito dos EUA, Donald Trump, para ser a próxima procuradora-geral na noite de quinta-feira.

“Pam reorientará o (Departamento de Justiça) para o propósito pretendido de combater o crime e tornar a América segura novamente”, disse Trump nas redes sociais.

O anúncio ocorreu horas depois de o candidato anterior de Trump, o ex-congressista da Flórida Matt Gaetz, ter se retirado do processo de seleção na quinta-feira, após oposição generalizada, inclusive de dentro de seu próprio país. Partido Republicano sobre alegações de tráfico sexual.

“Embora o ímpeto tenha sido forte, está claro que a minha confirmação se tornou injustamente uma distração para o trabalho crítico da transição Trump/Vance”, disse Gaetz.

Os laços de Pam Bondi com Trump

Bondi foi a primeira procuradora-geral da Flórida entre 2011 e 2019, o que a torna uma escolha mais convencional em comparação com Gaetz, que não tem experiência como promotora.

Ela também é uma forte aliada de Trump, que o apoiou de várias maneiras ao longo dos anos.

Bondi atuou como membro da equipe jurídica de Trump durante seu primeiro julgamento de impeachment no Senado, pressionado para deslegitimar o voto no estado indeciso da Pensilvânia nas eleições de 2020, apareceu para apoiar Trump durante seu julgamento de dinheiro silencioso em Nova York, e ajudou a liderar o braço jurídico do America First Policy Institute, um grupo de reflexão formado por ex-funcionários de Trump.

“Por muito tempo, o partidário Departamento de Justiça (DOJ) foi usado como arma contra mim e outros republicanos – não mais”, disse Trump.

Gaetz enfrentou escrutínio sobre aptidão para cargos

A notícia vem depois Gaetzo ex-congressista da Flórida, que foi nomeado na semana passada, enfrentou dúvidas sobre sua aptidão para servir como o principal oficial de aplicação da lei do país e sua conduta anterior.

O Departamento de Justiça investigou Gaetz durante quase três anos sobre potenciais violações de tráfico sexual, numa investigação que terminou no ano passado sem que fossem apresentadas acusações.

Matt Gaetz levanta as mãos enquanto fala em uma palestra
Matt Gaetz é um republicano da Flórida e forte defensor de Donald TrumpImagem: Win McNamee/AFP/Getty Images

O homem de 42 anos também enfrentou uma longa investigação por parte de um painel de ética do Congresso sobre possível má conduta sexual e uso de drogas, mas renunciou na semana passada ao seu assento na Câmara dos Representantes, o que normalmente marcaria o fim de uma investigação do Congresso sobre o caso. matéria.

Gaetz negou todas as acusações que enfrentou, mas disse em sua declaração no X que esperava evitar uma “briga desnecessariamente prolongada em Washington”.

Os republicanos se recusaram na quarta-feira a divulgar as conclusões do Comitê de Ética da Câmara sobre as objeções dos democratas em uma votação dividida.

Trump aguarda com expectativa o próximo passo de Gaetz

Reagindo à notícia, Trump recorreu à sua rede Truth Social para dizer que estava ansioso para ver o que Gaetz fará a seguir depois de se retirar da sua escolha.

“Ele estava indo muito bem, mas, ao mesmo tempo, não queria ser uma distração para o governo, pelo qual tem muito respeito”, postou Trump. “Matt tem um futuro maravilhoso e estou ansioso para ver todas as grandes coisas que ele fará!”

O senador Lindsey Graham, da Carolina do Sul, um dos maiores apoiadores de Trump no Senado, também deu seu apoio a Gaetz, dizendo no X que acredita que o ex-congressista “continuará a contribuir para o bem-estar de nossa nação nos próximos anos”.

Graham, membro do Comitê Judiciário do Senado, acrescentou que está ansioso para trabalhar com Trump “em relação aos futuros indicados para colocar este importante cargo em funcionamento”.

zc, km/kb (AFP, Reuters, AP)

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Amazon’s Black Friday sale is live — shop the top deals from Apple, KitchenAid, Beats and more



Amazon's Black Friday sale is live — shop the top deals from Apple, KitchenAid, Beats and more

Amazon Black Friday Week officially kicked off this morning. And not, your math isn’t wrong — we’re still eight days away from Black Friday. The mega-retailer decided to kick off its Black Friday deals early, meaning you can get some holiday shopping done before the tryptophan kicks in. Think about it: While everyone else is scrambling to score Black Friday deals post-Turkey Day, you’ll be sitting pretty with nary a sold-out wishlist item in sight. Plus, getting ahead of the game means more time to enjoy leftovers, so it’s an objective win-win.

Popular Amazon deals:

Lego Disney Advent Calendar for $35 ($10 off): Near-lowest price ever

Apple AirTags, 4-Pack for $73 ($26 off): Near-lowest price ever

Beats Studio Buds for $85 ($65 off): All-time lowest price

Bissell CrossWave OmniForce Wet Dry Vacuum for $230 ($150 off): All-time lowest price

KitchenAid Classic Series 4.5-Quart Tilt-Head Stand Mixer for $250 ($80 off): Lowest price in months

What can you score for a steal, like, right now? How does a powerful Dyson upright vacuum that’s just about down to its lowest price of all time sound? (It’s $100 off.) Or maybe you’ve been eyeing a Peloton bike for the new year, but are waiting for it to go on sale. Today’s the day, friend!

Now, as professional deal hunters, we’ll be the first to tell you that not all deals are worth your time or hard-earned money. (We’d argue that most are meh.) To ensure we’re only sharing the most legit discounts on the web with you, our team of shopping editors is hard at work tracking price histories across retailers. With that in mind, we’ll be updating this list from now until the mashed potatoes are long gone, so keep checking back to see what new goodies we uncover. Happy shopping!

Best Black Friday Amazon deals: All-time low prices


A top-selling Roomba that’s nearly 45% off — its all-time lowest price? We’ll take two! This gizmo will zap up all of that dust and debris on your floor while you relax on the sofa — nothing wrong with that. It runs for up to 120 minutes before heading back to its charging dock, and you can even schedule cleanings via the app.

Check out our roundup of the best robot vacuums for more. 

Save $110 | Lowest price ever

$140 at Amazon


Ready to upgrade your listening experience? These wildly popular earbuds are down to their lowest price ever, so grab a pair for you and another for the audiophile on your list.

Equipped with features like active noise canceling and transparency modes, you’ll be able to choose how much of the outside world you’d like to tune out while enjoying playlists and audiobooks. Plus, these babies are sweat- and water-resistant, meaning you can take ‘em to the gym, and you’ll be treated to up to 24 hours of listening time via the charging case. 

Save $65 | Lowest price ever

$85 at Amazon


This powerful dust-sucker-upper is within a dollar or two of its all-time lowest price, so if you’re ready to trade your wheezy vac in for a top-tier model, now would be a smart time. 

The ball design doesn’t just look cool, it also allows for easier maneuvering around corners and tight spaces. Plus, it’s powerful enough to zap up pet hair, and the detangling feature won’t make removing it a chore in and of itself. 

$300 at Amazon


At 40 inches, this highly rated (and reasonably priced) telly is the one Goldilocks would likely opt for; not too big, not too small, just right. High-def resolution and Dolby Digital Audio help enhance the viewing experience with clear picture and sound, and you’ll have easy access to all of your favorite streaming platforms in one place. 

At 40% off, this price matches the TV’s all-time low, so act fast!

Save $100 | Lowest price ever

$150 at Amazon


The fact that this versatile appliance (which functions as both a vacuum and mop) is down to its all-time best price is enough for it to warrant a space in our carts. But throw in a Martha Stewart endorsement, and we’re tempted to buy two!

The queen of all things home recently sang its praises in an unsponsored Instagram post, calling it the “best new home appliance.” She added, “The design is simple, the parts easy to clean and anyone can use it … Rather than sweeping (which raises dust), rather than vacuuming and then mopping, this machine does it all!”

Save $150 | Lowest price ever

$230 at Amazon


Give this heavenly gadget as a holiday gift, and you’ll immediately become the recipient’s favorite person on the planet. They’ll feel the kinks in their muscles melt away, thanks to this massager’s five speeds and four foam attachments, which can be used to target different parts of the body. 

This brand is practically synonymous with massage guns at this point, and while it doesn’t often go on sale, this discount brings the price down to about as low as it’s ever been. 

$199 at Amazon


Resolving to be more active in 2025? Exercise the fun way, thanks to this at-home gym that’s so much more than just a bike. Sure, there are plenty of cycling classes to choose from, but with your Peloton membership, you’ll also have access to instructor-guided strength training workouts, yoga and stretching sessions, to name a few. 

This is the lowest we’ve seen this multitasker on sale for since the summer, so hop on this deal before it speeds away. 

$1,295 at Amazon

Best Black Friday Amazon deals: 70% off or more


If there’s one thing you don’t want to be without when you’re hosting, it’s ample seating. Treat your guests to these cushioned chairs, which are so much more comfortable than sitting on cold, naked metal. 

The backs and seats are padded, and while the original price looks to be inflated, you’re still getting these for the best price we’ve seen all year (they’ve topped $90). 

$63 at Amazon


We know what you’re thinking: “Do I really need a bidet?” And if you’re perfectly content shelling out for TP and wiping your bum with a scratchy sheet of paper that does a questionable job at best, the answer is no.

But, in the event that you’re ready to improve your backside hygiene game, this easy-install accessory is a total game changer. Not only is it more thorough than wiping, it’ll also make you feel like you’re getting a spa treatment. While we’ve yet to see it listed for the “original price,” this is still as low as it’s ever been. 

Save $97 | Lowest price ever

$30 at Amazon


Just one of these brass beauties looks like it would cost more than this entire set, which is currently a ridiculous 73% off. Included are a stunning round watch, chain bracelet and two glossy bangles. 

You can stack ‘em or wear ‘em individually — either way, you’ll be donning some next-level arm candy. This is the lowest price we’ve seen this set marked down to.

Save $128 | Lowest price ever

$47 at Amazon

Best Black Friday Amazon deals: 50% off or more


Henckels has been crafting knives for over a century, so the brand knows a thing or two about what makes a quality set. This bestselling set comes with just about every type of blade a home cook could need: a 3-inch paring knife, a 5-inch serrated utility knife, a 7-inch santoku knife, an 8-inch chef’s knife and an 8-inch bread knife. Also included: six 4.5-inch steak knives, a professional honing steel, kitchen shears and a hardwood knife block. Whew! 

This collection is majorly marked down from its list price of $345, though we’ve never actually seen it shoot that high. Still this deal beats the typical $150 we’ve seen it going for of late.

Check out our roundup of the best knives and knife sets for more.

$130 at Amazon


Whether you’re stowing away shorts and sundresses in the winter or puffer coats and comforters in the summer, these roomy storage bags will keep everything organized from season to season. Each one has an impressive 60-liter capacity, along with see-through front panels so you won’t forget what you stashed in them. At over 60% off, it’s a great time to buy.

Check out our full Fab Totes Clothes Storage Bags review for more. 

Save $27 with Prime and coupon | Editor-approved

$15 at Amazon


A wide range of ages will love playing and snuggling up with their Squishmallow plushie, many of which are on sale.

This fetching feline, Tahoe, is one of Amazon’s most popular stuffed animals, but there are plenty of fun characters to choose from, each with different interests and personalities. Tahoe happens to be a purr-ticularly good 67% off (prices vary).

$13 at Amazon

Best Black Friday Amazon deals: Home must-haves


Thousands of Amazon shoppers love these sturdy containers, which have airtight seals to keep food fresh. The containers are made of glass — but not just any glass. We’re talking about borosilicate glass, which is used on thermal tiles in space shuttles.

Not only does it conveniently allow you to see what’s packed inside, it’s oven-safe up to 1,040°F. You can also store these containers in the freezer if you have leftovers you know you won’t get to right away. At just over $3 per container, this is a fabulous value.

$40 at Amazon


Yes, it’s that time! If you’d rather not deal with shedding pine needles this year, many of this faux tree’s thousands of fans say it looks just like the real deal.

With full branches to eliminate gaps, it’s a real beauty, and at just 55 bucks? That’s likely as low as it’ll be between now and December.

$55 at Amazon


Seasonal allergies making you sneezier than one of Snow White’s friends? You’ll want this HEPA air purifier that’s currently on major markdown. Not only can it remove up to 99.97% of airborne particles as large as 0.3 microns, it does so quietly (as in, quieter than a whisper so as not to wake Sleepy). It’s suitable for spaces of up to 1,076 square feet, and at 50% off, it’s as low as we’ve ever seen it. 

Check out our roundup of the best air purifiers for more. 

Save $65 with coupon | Lowest price ever

$65 at Amazon


If your ratty old dish towels have seen better days, this 100% cotton set is an excellent swap. The waffle weave pattern not only looks nice, but it also offers a bit of texture for more effective scrubbing. 

This price is within $2 of its all-time low, so wipe, er, swipe ‘em while you can save!

$8 at Amazon


This little wonder might be one of the most aesthetically pleasing household appliances we’ve come across, with its wooden legs and minimalist design. But while it might look like a million bucks, it’s currently down to its best price in months. Plus, it can help lower your heating bill!

In spite of its compact size, it’s quite powerful. It has two heat modes — 1000-watt high heat and 600-watt medium heat, both of which take just seconds to kick in. But it also has a cooling fan mode, meaning this isn’t a machine you’ll only pull out for a few months.

At 6.3 inches tall and just over 2 pounds, it’s incredibly portable, making it a cinch to bring from room to room. And, most importantly, its safety features include overheating protection, as well as automatic shutoff should it tip over.

$26 at Amazon

Best Black Friday Amazon deals: $25 and under


Yahoo Senior Beauty Editor Jennifer Romolini swears by this frizz-reducing bestseller.

“Every once in a while a popular internet-famous product comes along that I think will never in 100 years work and then am pleasantly surprised (OK, more like shocked) when it does,” she admits. “Such was the case with this strange little tube of the TikTok-famous collagen and protein hair mask from Elizavecca.

It’s a repairing treatment that’s meant to render even the driest, most straw-like hair into silky strands. You work it into your hair after shampooing and, after 5–15 minutes, the before-and-after is seriously profound: my thin, dry, longtime dyed-blonde mane was bouncy, soft and smooth as a satin sheet and, best of all, didn’t feel weighed down. Though it does make your hair slightly greasier than normal, the conditioning impact is worth it — my results lasted for weeks.”

While not the largest discount, you can’t argue with paying just seven bucks for a tube!

Check out her roundup of Amazon beauty products she’d buy again for more.

$7 at Amazon


Another product Romolini’s become a fan of? This popular eye-area tightener.

“I’ve been loving this extra-firming eye cream from Derma E, a truly quality brand that makes natural, vegan and cruelty-free products that won’t cost you a week’s pay,” she says. “Made of skin-revitalizing ingredients like copper peptides and plant stem cells, it’s clinically proven to improve elasticity, firmness and lighten a darker under-eye skin tone. I especially like it for my upper eyelids, where I’ve seen a noticeable difference in improved texture over just a few weeks.”

This isn’t the lowest it’s ever been, but at over 40% off it’s still a deal worth considering. 

$14 at Amazon


There’s a reason more than 20,000 people purchased this cooling sheet set in the past month — several reasons, in fact. For starters, it’s made of brushed microfiber that feels much softer than its affordable price tag would suggest, and the moisture-wicking material will help you stay dry while you snooze. 

Add to that the fact that these sheets are pill-, wrinkle- and fade-resistant? No wonder sleepers are comparing them to high-end bedding brands like Brooklinen. And for just $15? Yes, please!

Check out our roundup of the best cooling sheets for additional options. 

$15 at Amazon

Best Black Friday Amazon deals: Gifts


Our very own holiday-shopping doyenne, Gifting Editor Amanda Garrity, has plenty of great suggestions, including this fun option, which is down to its best price of all time.

“Invite Elsa, Tiana, Ariel, Mirabel and Moana to your holiday table,” she says. “Build a small scene for each princess — including Ariel’s undersea palace — then flip over the box to play the built-in board game with up to five other Disney fans.”

Check out her roundup of the best advent calendars for more.

Save $25 | Lowest price ever

$20 at Amazon


Garrity says, “I know, I know, gloves aren’t exactly the most novel gift idea, but they’re one of those things that we all need to refresh every couple of winters. These fleece-lined favorites are just as practical as they are pretty: One Amazon shopper raved that ‘the fur cuff is perfect and looks expensive,’ while another mentioned that they ‘kept my hands warm during my trip to the northeast and in cold weather.’ The best of both worlds, eh?”

That 55% discount isn’t too shabby, either… 

Check out her roundup of the best Christmas gifts for her for more. 

$20 at Amazon


When in doubt, going the practical gift route is always smart. This deal brings the kit down to its lowest price all year. 

Garrity says, “This is one of those things you’ll be happy to have — especially the next time you drop your keys between the seats or a tiny screw behind an appliance. Switch on the light to track the item down, then extend it until you can reach whatever you’re trying to grab.”

$20 at Amazon

Best Black Friday Amazon deals: No. 1 bestsellers


These popular fabric-softening balls can be reused for over a thousand laundry loads. They’re made entirely of wool, and not only will they make your washables plush, they’ll shorten the drying time in the process. What’s more, they’ll save you tons of money on not-so-eco-friendly dryer sheets.

Consider them our favorite laundry hack — and at just over two bucks apiece, you’re getting these No. 1 bestsellers for one of their best prices of the year.

$13 at Amazon


Yard in need of some heavy-duty pruning? This small but mighty chainsaw is powerful enough to take down tree branches, yet weighs under 2.5 pounds. Plus, this No. 1 bestseller is cordless for even more convenience, and the on-page coupon brings it down to within a few dollars of its best price yet. 

One Yahoo editor gave it a try, saying, “While testing the Saker, I first noticed that it was very easy to hold in one hand. I also appreciated the safety features, including a safety lock that must be pressed before the saw activates. This gave me some comfort that it wouldn’t just ‘go off’ if I squeezed it too tight while walking between locations. It’s also easier to use than something like pruning shears, which can be heavy and unwieldy and take much longer to get the same job done.”

Check out our full Saker Mini Chainsaw review for more.

Save $16 with Prime and coupon

$36 at Amazon


Keep those pearly whites, well, pearly and white with this No. 1 bestselling electric toothbrush. It provides 40,000 vibrations per minute to kick plaque to the curb, and you’ll get eight brush heads included — enough to last two and a half years!

Be sure to check out our roundup of the best electric toothbrushes — where it was named the best overall pick — for more. 

$38 at Amazon

Best Black Friday Amazon deals: Home


We have entered the prime baking season, and at 4.5 quarts, this top-seller can hold enough dough to make up to eight dozen cookies at a time (though it won’t take up much room in your kitchen). This is the brand I (Britt) use in my own home kitchen, and it comes with a beater, dough hook and whisk attachments for making practically any baked good under the sun. 

It’ll give your arms a break by doing all of the mixing, and you can let it run while you prep other ingredients. This is as low as it’s been since April, so scoop it up ahead of the holidays!

$250 at Amazon


Fast food crumbs taking over your ride? Fear not — it’s this super-strong handvac to the rescue, according to Yahoo Senior Home and Garden Editor Jessica Dodell-Feder, who tested it out. 

“Like many DeWalt tools, this cordless vacuum cleaner is reliable and powerful,” she says. “I was surprised at how easy it was to maneuver considering its exceptionally strong suction.” 

When Dodell-Feder tested this vacuum, it was a pricey $179 — now, at 45% off, it’s down to what appears to be its best price of 2024. Oh, and you can snag batteries and a charger for nearly 60% off as well!

Check out her full roundup of the best car vacuums for more. 

$99 at Amazon


This highly rated machine, which is by one of the top names in humidifiers, will help spare you from the dreaded dry air blues this winter. What sets it apart is its smart auto mode, which allows you to set your preferred humidity level and maintains it for you. 

Its large tank holds enough water to service 376 square feet of space for about five nights (less refilling!), and if you want the room to smell like your favorite scent, just add some essential oils and it’ll act as a diffuser. Plus, it’s ideal for nighttime use, as it has whisper-quiet and all-lights-off features. This is as low as it’s been since 2021!

$47 at Amazon


Dodell-Feder named this the “best Keurig coffee maker” out of all of the models she tested, calling it “a reliable Keurig that delivers everything you’d want from a single-cup coffee maker and more.”

She adds, “It makes four cup sizes (8, 10 and 12 ounces, and a 2-ounce shot), the buttons are clear and intuitive and it offers an ‘over ice’ option that automatically adjusts brew temperature for less-watery iced coffee. Plus, it comes with a bonus for anyone who likes lattes, cappuccinos and other espresso-style drinks: an excellent standalone milk frother.”

It’s only dipped lower than it’s current price by a few dollars, and doesn’t often go on sale, so you’ll want to grab it while it’s nearly 30% off. 

$100 at Amazon

Best Black Friday Amazon deals: Tech


Never lose your luggage, purse, car — anything, really — again. Just toss one of these smart tags inside the item you want to track, and you’ll be alerted of its whereabouts via your phone. 

The deal on this 4-pack brings each tag down to $18 (they typically retail for about $25-$30 a pop).

$73 at Amazon


Never fight with your family members over power outlets again. This electrifying gadget boasts five AC outlets and four USB ports, enough for everyone to charge their devices all at once. Oh, and this top seller is so much sleeker than having a power strip on your floor. We’ve yet to see it on sale for less.

Check out our tech editor’s roundup of the products he can’t live without for gadgets and gizmos aplenty.

$10 at Amazon


Senior Tech Deals Writer Chris McGraw says, “Think all QLED is the same? Think again. Samsung’s Mini-LED tech, featured in its Neo QLED models, takes backlighting to the next level. Unlike standard QLED, Mini-LEDs deliver precise control over brightness zones, which means you get sharper contrast and deeper black levels. This setup lets you enjoy vibrant colors and impressive detail, even in darker scenes. If you’re after a TV that can handle both bright and dimly lit rooms with ease, Neo QLED’s Mini-LED is the way to go.”

This is close to as low as we’ve seen this model since July, just sayin’!

$888 at Amazon


All-time-low price alert! The Fire TV Stick is a great way to add smart functions to a “dumb” TV. It also works if you have a smart TV and you just don’t like the interface. 

It’s a wild 55% off right now for a limited time.

Save $22 | Lowest price ever

$18 at Amazon

If you have Amazon Prime, you’ll get free shipping, of course. Not yet a member? No problem. You can sign up for your free 30-day trial here. (And by the way, those without Prime still get free shipping on orders of $35 or more.)

Your Black Friday Shopping Guide: See all of Yahoo’s Black Friday coverage here. Shop the best expert-picked Black Friday deals on Yahoo Life. Follow Engadget for Black Friday tech deals. And find Black Friday sales to shop on AOL, handpicked just for you.


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