Dave Coulier of ‘Full House’ Reveals Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Diagnosis: EXCLUSIVE



Dave Coulier announced exclusively on the TODAY show that he’s been diagnosed with Stage 3 non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a type of blood cancer that starts in the lymphatic system.

The “Fuller House” star, who famously played Uncle Joey, noticed his first symptoms a little over a month ago, when he came down with a cold. In the past, he’d noticed the lymph nodes in his neck or armpits would swell when he was sick. This time, though, he felt surprised to discover a golf-ball sized lump in his groin within a week of falling ill.

“It swelled up immediately,” Coulier, 65, tells in a phone interview. “I thought, ‘Wow, I’m either really sick, or my body’s really reacting to something.’”

Dave Coulier speaks to Hoda Kotb about his recent cancer diagnosis exclusively on TODAY.Nathan Congleton / TODAY

Worried, he visited his doctors who ran a variety of tests, including bloodwork, EKG, and PET and CT scans. While everything appeared to be normal, the doctors biopsied the lymph node just to be safe. Coulier soon learned why his lymph node became so enlarged.

“(My doctors) said, ‘Hey, we wish we had better news, but you have non-Hodgkin lymphoma, B-cell lymphoma,’” Coulier recalls. “It was a shock.”

Despite his cancer diagnosis, Coulier is still finding joy in life.

“My joke is that in four short weeks I’ve gone from a Virgo to a Cancer,” he says. “I’ve tried to retain a sense of reality but also a sense of humor about it.”

Dave Coulier diagnosed with Stage 3 non-Hodgkin lymphoma

When Coulier felt under the weather a little over a month ago and noticed a swollen lymph node in his groin, he felt puzzled.

“The onset of this growing lymphoma in my groin area was very quick. So I said, ‘Something’s not right,'” he recalled to Hoda during his Nov. 13 appearance on TODAY.

Coulier visited his doctor, who ordered a battery of tests.

“They said, ‘Yeah, we need to take a serious look at this.’ And so, we did blood tests,” he says. “Blood tests came back great. My EKG, everything great. Heart, everything perfect.”

But his doctors felt worried by how quickly the lump grew and ordered more advanced imaging before eventually wanting a sample of it for testing.

“‘We’d like to either remove this or biopsy it,’” Coulier recalls his doctors telling him. “I said, ‘Well, why don’t we just remove it and biopsy it at the same time?’”

Three days later, Coulier received the news from his doctor that he had B-cell lymphoma, a type of cancer that develops in B-lymphocytes, according to the American Cancer Society. B-cell lymphomas account for the vast majority of non-Hodgkin lymphomas. Every year, more than 80,000 Americans are diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

“The first thing I said to them was, ‘Wait a minute — cancer?’” he Coulier. “(I was) feeling like I got punched in the stomach because it never happens to you. You always hear about it happening to someone else.”

Hearing the news was even harder because his wife, Melissa Coulier, wasn’t at home.

“I was just contemplating, ‘How do I tell her?’” he says. “When I told her, of course, she thought I was joking.”

After he reassured her that he was not joking, Melissa “organized (his) entire life, from nutrition to the doctor’s appointments to the pills.”

“She’s got stuff color-coded,” he says. “It’s pretty great.”

To understand what stage of cancer he had, Coulier’s doctors took a bone marrow sample.

“They wanted to see if (the cancer had) moved on to any major organs or my blood or bones or anything,” he says. “That was pins and needles for a few days because I didn’t know what stage it was or if it had progressed.”

Yet at some point, Coulier started feeling a sort of acceptance.

“I told Melissa I don’t know why, but I (am) OK with whatever the news (is) going to be no matter how devastating. … I can’t explain where that came from,” he says. “I’ve had an incredible life. I’ve had the most amazing people in my life. This has been an extraordinary journey, and I’m OK if this is the end of the journey.”

A few days later, he learned he had Stage 3 non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Stage 3 non-Hodgkin lymphoma survival rate

Stage 3 non-Hodgkin lymphoma means the cancer has not spread outside the lymphatic system, according to the American Cancer Society. The five-year survival rate for B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma that has not spread widely is about 74%, per ACS.

“(Stage 3) doesn’t sound great,” Coulier says, but because it hasn’t spread to his bone marrow, doctors told him his curability rate is upwards of 90%.

“It’s very treatable,” he said on TODAY.

Starting chemotherapy

Doctors wanted Coulier to start chemotherapy promptly, and he underwent another surgery to have his chemotherapy port, which delivers the medication, placed.

Leading up to his first treatment, Coulier faced his fear of the unknowns of cancer.

Dave Coulier
Dave Coulier shows Hoda how he’s lost some hair due to chemotherapy.Nathan Congleton / TODAY

“You hear chemo, and it scares the daylights out of you,” he says. “The first round was pretty intense because you don’t know what to expect. You don’t know how you’re going to feel. Is this going to hit me immediately? Is it going to be devastating? Am I going to walk out of here?”

He felt better than expected after his first round of chemotherapy. In total, he’ll have six rounds every 21 days and should be finished with treatment by February 2025. Following treatment, he expects a “total remission.”

“It’s been a bit of a roller coaster. There (are) days where I feel unbelievable,” he says. “Then there’s other days where … I’m just going to lay down and let this be what it’s going to be.”

Still he’s been able to maintain a positive outlook as he navigates treatment.

“This is a journey,” Coulier told Hoda. “This is a bit of a battle and you’re going to need to be on your game.”

When Coulier feels good, he takes advantage of it. He’s been recording episodes of the podcast “Full House Rewind” with his new co-host Marla Sokoloff, who played Gia Mahan on “Full House” and “Fuller House.” And he recently skated with the Detroit Red Wings alumni — though he can’t play hockey as it could damage his chemotherapy port. At the end of this week, John Stamos will visit him following his second round of chemotherapy.

“We’re going to have so many laughs. We’re going to have so much fun,” Coulier says. “I said, ‘It could be ‘Weekend at Bernie’s’ if I’m just out of it.’ And (Stamos) said, ‘That’s OK. I’ll carry you around.’”

Raising awareness

Sadly, Coulier has plenty of experience with cancer.

“I lost my sister Sharon at 36 years old, breast cancer. I lost my niece Shannon at 29 years old, breast cancer,” he says. “I lost my mom, and now my sister Karen has cancer. So, over the years I’ve seen what the women in my family have gone through, and it’s been not only an awakening but a learning process.”

While it’s been tough watching cancer affect his family so dramatically, the actor has grown from it. 

“When I was diagnosed, all of those memories came back of what they went through and so many hospital visits and sitting bedside and talking and having conversations and watching them leave the planet,” he says. “What they went through is 10 times harder than what I’m going through. So, if I can be one-tenth as strong as they were, I’m going to be fine.”

Coulier’s looking forward to the future. His son, Luc, and his wife, Alex, are expecting a baby boy in March, and Coulier’s excited to become a grandfather and anticipates lots of flights from Michigan to Los Angeles to spend time with his family.

Coulier felt compelled to share his story to raise awareness of cancer and encourage others to undergo screening for it.

“The one thing that just kept presenting itself to me was to tell other people about it. Talk to them about getting something as simple as pre-screening or a breast exam, mammogram, a colonoscopy or a prostate exam,” he says. “It’s a really simple thing to do and it can add years to your life.”

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Na Groenlândia, eleições legislativas à sombra de Trump



Na Groenlândia, eleições legislativas à sombra de Trump

Simpatia do Partido Inuit inuit Ataqatigiit, Naja Nathanielsen (à esquerda), Ministro dos Minerais, durante um debate político para as eleições legislativas da Groenlândia, em Nuuk, em 4 de março de 2025.

Faz trinta e quatro anos desde que Jess Berthelsen liderou o sindicato dos trabalhadores de Groenland (SIK). De uma jovialidade quase inabalável, esse homem de 66 anos, com o esfregão marrom e os óculos escuros, em breve poderia ter que desistir de seu post. Comprometido com o Partido Siumut (social -democrata), o Sr. Berthelsen decidiu concorrer às eleições legislativas na terça -feira, 11 de março. “Quando o idiota do filho de Trump chegou à Groenlândia no início de janeiro, vi que alguns, no meu partido, foram seduzidos pelos americanos, o que me preocupou muito”ele diz.

O sindicalista não é o único a ter se lançado na corrida, em reação às palavras do presidente americano, que continua a se repetir, Desde 23 de dezembro de 2024, que ele quer “Remover” você groenland. MP desde 2009 e ministro desde 2021, responsável por economia, comércio e recursos minerais, Naaja Nathanielsen, 49 anos, membro do Partido Socialista Inuit Ataqatigiit (IA), que governa com Siumut desde 2022, decidiu não se representar. Ela mudou de idéia. «A causa de Trump»ela diz.

Você tem 84,91% deste artigo para ler. O restante é reservado para assinantes.

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EUA ‘cancelando oficialmente 83%’ dos programas da USAID, diz Rubio – DW – 03/03/2025



EUA 'cancelando oficialmente 83%' dos programas da USAID, diz Rubio - DW - 03/03/2025

O secretário de Estado Marco Rubio disse que o expurgo da Agência de Desenvolvimento Internacional (USAID) do governo Trump está concluído.

Em um post em X, Rubio disse “Após uma revisão de 6 semanas, estamos oficialmente cancelando 83% dos programas na USAID”.

“Os 5.200 contratos que agora são cancelados gastos com dezenas de bilhões de dólares de maneiras que não serviram (e, em alguns casos, até prejudicaram), os principais interesses nacionais dos Estados Unidos”.

Ele acrescentou que os contratos restantes “aproximadamente 1000” serão administrados diretamente por seu Departamento de Estado. Os legisladores da oposição dizem que isso seria ilegal, pois a aprovação do Congresso é necessária para essa mudança.

A Casa Branca não foi transparente sobre quais contratos foram cortados e quais devem ser mantidos.

O que está por trás da purga?

Quando Donald Trump Começou seu segundo mandato como presidente dos EUA em 20 de janeiro, uma de suas primeiras ações foi ordenar uma suspensão imediata de 90 dias de toda ajuda externa. O governo justificou a decisão alegando que a USAID é um uso desperdiçado dos recursos do governo.

A auditoria foi supervisionada pelo Departamento de Eficiência do Governo (DOGE)que é administrado pelo bilionário de direita e pelo conselheiro Trump Elon Musk.

Milhares de funcionários foram dispensados ​​de seus deveres e os contratos foram encerrados, causando caos Dentro da administração e do mundo. Os grupos de ajuda dizem que as áreas com necessidade crítica de assistência agora estão seriamente ameaçadas, como a prevenção da fome no Dr. Congo ou água potável em Burkina Faso.

Os cortes são considerados por especialistas como um partida histórica De como os EUA exercem política externa, afastando -se do fortalecimento das alianças através da ajuda para dobrar a ideologia “America First” de Trump. O Projeto Doge, liderado por almíscar, é visto como essencial para avançar a ideologia e foi aberto sobre suas intenções de intestrar os gastos do governo enquanto consolidam as agências sob o poder executivo.

Em seu anúncio, Rubio elogiou Doge por realizar o expurgo. Mais tarde, Musk respondeu, chamando os cortes de “resistentes, mas necessários”, acrescentando “as partes importantes da USAID sempre deveriam ter sido com o Departamento de Estado”.

Elon Musk está liderando uma aquisição do governo dos EUA?

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O que é USAID?

A USAID foi fundada em 1961 para fornecer ajuda humanitária em regiões críticas ao redor do mundo.

Embora a agência opere diretamente em 60 países, a maior parte do trabalho é realizada por contratados que recebem financiamento da USAID. O trabalho geralmente inclui a prevenção de doenças e fome, fornecendo vacinas e alívio de desastres.

Com um orçamento relatado de mais de US $ 40 bilhões (€ 37 bilhões) em 2023, a agência é um dos maiores gastadores de ajuda global.

O que desmontagem da USAID significa para as pessoas mais pobres do mundo

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Editado por: Natalie Muller

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Cachorro que usa cadeira de rodas conquista internautas – 10/03/2025 – Bichos



Cachorro que usa cadeira de rodas conquista internautas - 10/03/2025 - Bichos

Maria Paula Giacomelli

São Paulo

Mesmo com uma certa dificuldade, um cachorro que usa cadeira de rodas participou de uma disputa de corrida canina da raça welsh corgi.

O animal, cujo nome é Yumi, ficou para trás após o start da disputa. Os outros três cães rapidamente atravessaram a quadra.

Mesmo sendo o último a completar o percurso, Yumi, de 14 anos, foi ovacionado pela plateia e recebeu incentivos por meio de aplausos e gritos. Um vídeo do momento foi compartilhado nas redes sociais pelo perfil do repórter Jack Allen e visto mais de 13 milhões de vezes no X (ex-Twitter).

“Ele pode não ter vencido a corrida deste ano, mas Yumi certamente conquistou nossos corações”, escreveu. Cerca de 830 perfis comentaram na legenda, e a maioria se mostrou cativada pelo cachorro. .

“Ótimo trabalho”, escreveu @FatKidDeals. “Ele é o verdadeiro campeão”, opinou o usuário que se identifica como Shane Donovan. “Ele fez o seu melhor e isso já faz dele um campeão”, disse @SunsetHightower.

Leia Mais: Folha

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