Israel diz ter matado comandante do Jihad Islâmico – 11/10/2024 – Mundo



Israel diz ter matado comandante do Jihad Islâmico - 11/10/2024 - Mundo

O Exército israelense anunciou nesta sexta-feira (11) que matou o principal comandante do grupo militante palestino Jihad Islâmico no campo de refugiados de Nur Shams, na Cisjordânia.

O Exército afirmou que Mohammad Abdullah foi “eliminado” na quinta-feira (10) após um avião israelense atacar o campo localizado em Tulkarem.

Outro integrante do grupo morreu na operação, na qual foram recuperados rifles M-16 e coletes à prova de balas, acrescentou.

Abdullah foi o sucessor de Mohamed Yaber, também conhecido como “Abu Shuyaa”, que morreu em um ataque israelense no final de agosto.

O Jihad Islâmico é aliado do Hamas e ambos os grupos lutam contra as forças israelenses na Cisjordânia e na Faixa de Gaza.

A violência disparou na Cisjordânia desde que o Hamas lançou seu ataque sem precedentes contra Israel em outubro do ano passado.

Desde então, entre tropas e colonos israelenses mataram pelo menos 705 palestinos na Cisjordânia, segundo o Ministério da Saúde com sede em Ramallah.

Funcionários israelenses afirmam que pelo menos 24 israelenses, entre civis e membros das forças de segurança, morreram em ataques perpetrados por militantes palestinos ou em operações militares israelenses durante o mesmo período na Cisjordânia.

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Maya Henry calls in the lawyers as she begins legal action against Liam Payne after accusing the One Direction star of obsessive contact and ‘weaponising’ his fans against her



The podcast appears comes as she has started legal proceedings against her former flame

Liam Payne’s ex-fiancée Maya Henry has started legal proceedings against her former flame.

The Texan model, 23, has instructed lawyers to issue a cease and desist letter to the One Direction star after accusing him of repeatedly contacting her.

The brunette beauty has also accused the singer, 31, of obsessively contacting her friends and family including her mother Azteca Henry. 

Lawyers for the star told MailOnline: ‘Maya Henry issued a cease and desist last week to Liam Payne following the emergence of new and concerning information. 

‘She has retained attorneys Marco Crawford and Daniel Cerna to represent her. At this time, that is her only comment on the matter.’

Liam Payne’s ex-fiancée Maya Henry, 23, has started legal proceedings against her former flame after previously accusing her of obsessively contacting her and her family

She has also accused the star of contacting her friends and playing on the loyalty of die-hard One Direction fans across social media

She has also accused the star of contacting her friends and playing on the loyalty of die-hard One Direction fans across social media

This is just the latest in the former couple’s bitter feud and last week the model accused Liam of  playing on the loyalty of die-hard One Direction fans across social media to pillory her. 

The singer’s stop-start three-year relationship with Maya came to an end in 2022, almost a year after the former couple called off their engagement.

The Strip That Down For Me singer has since moved on with new girlfriend Kate Cassidy, while Maya continues to promote her debut novel, Looking Forward – an art-imitating-life romance about a girl who falls in love with a pop star. 

Sharing a brutal assessment of Liam, with TikTok followers last week, Maya – the daughter of multi-millionaire personal-injury lawyer Thomas J. Henry – claimed he has gone to extraordinary lengths in an attempt to contact her. 

‘Ever since we broke up he messages me, will blow up my phone, not only from his phone, it’s always from different phone numbers too, so I never know where it’s gonna come from,’ she said. 

Maya has instructed her lawyers to draft a cease and desist after allegedly being bombarded with messages from the singer

She shared a no-holds barred TikTok video with followers on Monday

Maya has instructed her lawyers to draft a cease and desist after allegedly being bombarded with messages from the singer 

The singer's stop-start three-year relationship with Maya came to an end in 2022, almost a year after the former couple had called off their engagement (pictured in October 2021)

The singer’s stop-start three-year relationship with Texan model Maya Henry came to an end in 2022, almost a year after the former couple had called off their engagement (pictured in October 2021)

‘He’ll create new iCloud accounts to message me – it’s always a new damn iCloud account. Every time I see one pop up on my phone I’m like, “here we f***ing go again”

 ‘Also, he will email me… not only me, but he’ll blow up my mom’s phone. Is this normal behaviour to you?’ 

Payne made his first public appearance with Henry in 2019.

The couple were subsequently forced to isolate together during the global pandemic, and Payne later insisted the experience had helped strengthen their relationship. 

He told People: ‘I think we went through a lot in COVID. I feel like we’ve come out the other side of it a bit stronger.

‘Most couples who have been married for years struggled, right? So, I mean, we’re still really happy to be here together today.’

But Henry poured scorn on any suggestion of closeness by claiming he was contacting her friends while they were still together – without her prior knowledge – and has maintained the habit since their separation. 

'Ever since we broke up he messages me, will blow up my phone, not only from his phone, it's always from different phone numbers too, so I never know where it's gonna come from,' she said

‘Ever since we broke up he messages me, will blow up my phone, not only from his phone, it’s always from different phone numbers too, so I never know where it’s gonna come from,’ she said 

They made their first public appearance in 2019, with the couple subsequently isolating together in her native Texas as COVID-19 forced the world into lockdown

Payne made his first public appearance with Henry in 2019, with the couple subsequently isolating together in her native Texas as COVID-19 forced the world into lockdown

She added: ‘He’s the one that is constantly doing weird sh*t,  and also might I add, he literally said the reason he has all these people on his damn Snapchat, which he has had for years apparently, and messages, is he preys on One Direction fans because they’re loyal to him.’ 

The model also accused Payne’s fan-base – the singer commands 26.1 million followers on Instagram alone – of being blinded by their loyalty to the singer and their love for his former band, One Direction. 

She said: ‘When you constantly enable someone they’re never gonna realise what they’ve done is bad, or they do realise and they know they can get away with it, which is what has happened with him for so many years. 

‘Everything gets swept under the rug, everything gets hidden for him. I don’t know who the hell’s behind all of this but nothing ever comes out about him.’ 

She added: ‘It’s hard when you have these people jumping down your throat for speaking the truth on things that have happened’.

Addressing followers on Monday, Maya claimed she later discovered he had been contacting her friends while they were still together - without her prior knowledge

Addressing followers on Monday, Maya claimed she later discovered he had been contacting her friends while they were still together – without her prior knowledge

MailOnline exclusively broke the news of their engagement in August 2020. The pair were first linked back in August 2018 shortly after Liam split from Girls Aloud star Cheryl Cole

MailOnline exclusively broke the news of their engagement in August 2020. The pair were first linked back in August 2018 shortly after Liam split from Girls Aloud star Cheryl Cole

Maya was seen sporting her dazzling diamond ring, worth £3 million

Maya was seen sporting her dazzling diamond ring, worth £3 million

Speaking in 2021, shortly after confirming their engagement was over, Payne admitted he was at fault during an interview with Stephen Bartlett’s Diary Of A CEO podcast. 

‘I feel like more than anything at this point, I’m more disappointed in myself that I keep on hurting people,’ he said.

‘That annoys me. I’ve just not been very good at relationships. And I know what my pattern of things is with relationships at this point.

‘I’m just not very good at them so I just need to work on myself before I put myself on to somebody else.’

He added: ‘That’s where I got to in my last relationship. I just wasn’t giving a very good version of me anymore, that I didn’t appreciate and I didn’t like being. I can honestly say I feel better out of it.

‘I didn’t feel good doing what I did but it had to happen. Just a corny way to say it was the best for us both.’

MailOnline exclusively broke the news of their engagement in August 2020. 

The pair were first linked back in August 2018 shortly after Liam split from Girls Aloud star Cheryl Cole. 

The former couple called off their engagement in June 2021 - only to rekindle their romance two months later (pictured in October 2019)

The former couple called off their engagement in June 2021 – only to rekindle their romance two months later (pictured in October 2019)

Payne has since moved on with new girlfriend Kate Cassidy (pictured) while Henry continues to promote her debut novel Looking Forward - an art-imitating-life romance

Payne has since moved on with new girlfriend Kate Cassidy (pictured) while Henry continues to promote her debut novel Looking Forward – an art-imitating-life romance

The couple’s engagement followed rumours of a rift, but a source close to the lovebirds told MailOnline at the time that they were ‘definitely still a couple and are very happy together’.

The friend explained they were taking their romance off social media, adding: ‘Maya and Liam are definitely still a couple and are very happy together.

‘Both have been taking time off social media lately and enjoying each other’s company away from the spotlight.’

MailOnline has contacted a representative for further comment. 

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São Paulo é campeã mundial em corridas de apps, diz 99 – 16/10/2024 – Painel S.A.



São Paulo é campeã mundial em corridas de apps, diz 99 - 16/10/2024 - Painel S.A.

A 99 se converteu ao mundo do aplicativo e hoje possui somente 3% de seus motoristas dirigindo como taxistas. Boa parte desse desempenho se deve ao consumidor paulistano, carro-chefe de um negócio que, há poucos anos, era basicamente movido por corridas de rua.

Segundo o diretor de inovação da companhia, Tiago Hipólito, grande parte do sucesso dessa conversão se deve ao fato de São Paulo se consolidar como a maior cidade do mundo em volume de corridas por aplicativos.

A companhia opera com 1,6 milhão de motoristas por mês, atendendo 55 milhões de pessoas em 3.600 municípios.

As declarações foram dadas durante o Summit Futuro da Mobilidade, que ocorreu nesta quarta (16) em São Paulo.

No evento, Hipólito afirmou que o Brasil deve operar com carros elétricos e a combustão e que a 99 tinha meta de chegar ao segundo semestre deste ano com 3,5 mil carros elétricos. Já está com 7 mil.

Com Diego Felix

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Justiça nega ação para Enel restaurar energia imediatamente



Justiça nega ação para Enel restaurar energia imediatamente

Elaine Patricia Cruz – Repórter da Agência Brasil

A Justiça negou o pedido feito pela prefeitura de São Paulo para que a Enel, concessionária de distribuição de energia, restaure a energia imediatamente na cidade, com a imposição de uma multa de R$ 200 mil por dia em caso de descumprimento. A decisão foi publicada nesta quarta-feira (16).

Na decisão, a juíza Erika Folhadella Costa, da 2ª Vara Civil da Fazenda Pública, indeferiu o pedido para que a concessionária restabeleça imediatamente a energia elétrica para todos os consumidores afetados desde o temporal da última sexta-feira (11). Para a juíza, essas solicitações “extrapolavam o objeto do presente feito” e deveriam ser apresentadas em vias processuais adequadas.

Apesar desse indeferimento, a Justiça determinou que a Enel comprove, no prazo de 60 dias, que realizou o manejo adequado de todas as árvores que constam do Plano Anual de Podas de 2023, sob risco de multa de R$ 1 mil por árvore. Em entrevista coletiva concedida na tarde de hoje (16), a prefeitura informou que há uma lista com seis mil pedidos de poda de árvores encaminhado para a Enel que aguardam resposta da empresa.

A Justiça também determinou que a empresa deve atualizar em cinco dias o sistema com as informações de todas as podas feitas dentro do planejamento anual. Em caso de descumprimento, a multa é de R$ 100 mil, mais R$ 10 mil por mês de atraso.

Pela decisão da Justiça, a Enel deve ainda realizar o manejo de todas as árvores solicitado pelas subprefeituras e que estejam vencidos há mais de 90 dias, além de adequar o plano de contingência. Essas adequações devem ser apresentadas em até 10 dias, sob pena de multa de R$ 500 mil.

Na última sexta-feira (11), as chuvas fortes e os ventos que atingiram diversas cidades paulistas provocaram sete mortes, quedas de árvores e também deixou milhões de consumidores sem energia elétrica. Ainda hoje, segundo boletim da Enel, quase 91 mil clientes ainda estão sem luz na região metropolitana de São Paulo.

Na petição encaminhada à Justiça, a prefeitura afirmava que a falta de energia foi consequência de um novo evento climático extremo com vendavais que levaram à queda de 386 árvores, sendo parte delas próximas à fiação elétrica, e que, por inércia da Enel, deixou mais de 1,6 milhão de pessoas sem energia elétrica na cidade. A petição foi feita dentro de uma ação civil pública da prefeitura contra a Enel, que tramita desde novembro de 2023.

Procurada pela Agência Brasil, a Enel ainda não se manifestou sobre a decisão da Justiça.

Câmeras em garagem

Durante a entrevista coletiva na tarde de hoje (16), o prefeito de São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes, informou que, passados cinco dias do temporal, ainda há nove escolas e quatro Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) funcionando à base de geradores. Ele também disse que 16 árvores derrubadas pela tempestade precisam ser retiradas das ruas, mas que os funcionários da prefeitura aguardam a Enel fazer o desligamento de energia dessas regiões para que possam recolher as árvores.

O prefeito anunciou que vai instalar o sistema Smart Sampa, de câmeras inteligentes de segurança, na frente de cinco garagens da Enel para monitorar o fluxo de caminhões da empresa.

Para Nunes, é importante que a prefeitura tenha informações sobre a localização desses veículos. “[Com a instalação dessas câmeras] Vou ter o circuito da placa desses caminhões na cidade. Vocês terão [dados] de quantos serão, aonde foram, que horas eles entraram e que horas ele saíram [das garagens]”, disse o prefeito.


Segundo o governo de São Paulo, o Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU) determinou hoje uma medida cautelar solicitando que a Enel dê acesso às informações de seu centro de controle operacional à Agência Reguladora de Serviços Públicos do Estado de São Paulo. Este era um dos pedidos feitos pelo governo paulista em carta entregue ontem (15) ao ministro do TCU Augusto Nardes.

No documento, a gestão estadual solicitou que as concessionárias dessem acesso aos dados em tempo real “para que os serviços possam ser continuamente monitorados, e, especialmente, para que os eventos de crise possam ser acompanhados e fiscalizados”.

A cautelar foi proposta por Nardes em sessão ordinária do TCU na tarde desta quarta-feira e aceita de forma unânime pelo plenário. A decisão pede que a Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Aneel) operacionalize junto à Enel o compartilhamento dos dados com a Arsesp e os municípios afetados. A agência reguladora federal tem 15 dias para se pronunciar sobre a decisão.

Leia Mais: Agência Brasil

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