Julia Stiles responds to being crucial for Heather Graham’s ‘Chosen Family’ financing



Julia Stiles responds to being crucial for Heather Graham's 'Chosen Family' financing

Julia Stiles plays Clio, the younger, drug-addicted sister to Heather Graham’s character in Chosen Family, also written and directed by Graham. The iconic actor who’s starring in films like 10 Things I Hate About You and the Bourne franchise praised her Chosen Family director and costar for being a “kind and respectful” leader on set.

“Heather was so great at making people feel at ease on her set and I think actors do bring a lot to the director’s chair, she was collaborative, but she also had a very clear idea of what she wanted,” Stiles told Yahoo Canada. “Because I know that we probably share similar experiences, I was comfortable on set and she’s just very kind and respectful, which sounds silly, but it’s not always the way people behave.”

In Chosen Family Ann (Graham) is a yoga instructor who’s trying boost the popularity of her classes. In her personal life, Ann hasn’t been particularly lucky with dating, going from one terrible dude to the next. She’s also a people pleaser, particularly with her religious father Alfred (Michael Gross), her mother Dorothy (Julie Halston), who’s focused on wanting to be an entertainer, and their expectation for Ann to manage Clio after recently coming out of rehab.

Ann starts dating Steve (John Brotherton), a contractor’s whose estranged wife seems to be dragging out their divorce. But Steve’s relationship with his daughter, Lilly (Ella Grace Helton), causes some significant tension in the relationship, with Ann relying on her friends Max (Thomas Lennon), Frances (Odessa Rae) and Roz (Andrea Savage) for support.

Vortex Media

Buy Chosen Family on Apple TV for $9.99, or rent the movie for $5.99

$10 at Apple TV

In Chosen Family Stiles gets to really lean into her comedy skills and similarly to her character Maisy-May in the Canadian Prime Video show The Lake, both characters are pretty terrible to their siblings.

“I love comedies and people don’t really think of me in comedies,” Stiles said. “There’s a thread here that I’m just picking up on, which is, in the last few years, I keep gravitating towards these characters that are kind of irredeemable.”

“But I think what it is, especially in a comedic setting, is they say and do all the things on screen that you’re not allowed to do in real life. … At least they’re not pretending. That’s, I think, what I’m gravitating towards. … [Clio] is kind of a hot mess, but she also is totally unapologetically angry with the world.”

Heather Graham and Julia Stiles in Chosen Family (Vortex Media)Heather Graham and Julia Stiles in Chosen Family (Vortex Media)

Heather Graham and Julia Stiles in Chosen Family (Vortex Media)

Stiles also gets to exercise her physical comedy muscle in Chosen Family, with the film featuring a funny fight scene between Ann and Clio. The sisters start physically fighting on a public stage, where Ann is meant to be teaching a yoga class.

In a little filmmaking secret, Stiles was actually pregnant filming that moment.

“That was crazy,” Stiles said. “I was very newly pregnant, where you’re not supposed to tell everybody, so I thought, OK I’m just going to keep this to myself and not stress [Graham] out, not jeopardize the film.”

“So we get to that stunt rehearsal and I’m like, oh I guess I better say something. So I just sort of blurted out to her and to the producers that I was pregnant, and luckily they didn’t fire me and it was fine. They offered to get a stunt double, we didn’t end up actually using a stunt double, but we were able to choreograph the fight so that I was kind of always in control of making sure that I was protecting myself. So that was a little secret going on.”

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 10: Julia Stiles and Heather Graham attend the SAG-AFTRA Foundation Conversations - NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 10: Julia Stiles and Heather Graham attend the SAG-AFTRA Foundation Conversations -

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – SEPTEMBER 10: Julia Stiles and Heather Graham attend the SAG-AFTRA Foundation Conversations – “Chosen Family” at SAG-AFTRA Foundation Robin Williams Center on September 10, 2024 in New York City. (Photo by John Lamparski/Getty Images)

In speaking about Chosen Family ahead of the film’s release, Graham has continued to advocate for the support of women directors and writers, and having women making decisions behind the camera, in addition to being in leading roles in movies.

A perfect example of the impact of supporting women filmmakers from Chosen Family is when we see Ann in a bikini, trying promoting her yoga business on social media. While Graham was also famously in a swimsuit in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me, for example, Stiles highlighted that it feels different to watch when it’s a circumstance where Graham was the one making the decisions.

“I noticed when I watched the film, I was like, you know all the scenes where she’s recording the videos for social media and she’s in a bikini, her amazing body, iconic body, but it’s so different that she wrote herself in that position and directed herself in that position,” Stiles said. “It’s so much more beautiful and cool than if it had been somebody else kind of convincing her to be in the bikini.”

As Graham said on the “In Her Words” podcast by Women in Entertainment, receiving a particular budget for Chosen Family was dependant on getting a “famous man” in a lead role. But it was actually Stiles being attached to the project that greenlit the film.

“To hear that is really, really nice,” Stiles said. “I kind of knew it when she sent me the script years ago, and I was also trying to set up my own movie, and in the time it takes to get a film financed I wanted to remain committed to Chosen Family, because I wanted to help her see her movie get made.”

“It’s great that the movie could have been financed based on the two of us. … It’s funny to talk about film financing though too, because it’s very subjective. The way that films get financed is all over the place, but it’s nice to know that I could help.”

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Em Kyiv, o “plano de vitória” de Zelensky levanta reservas



Em Kyiv, o “plano de vitória” de Zelensky levanta reservas

Não se tratava tanto de apresentar um plano, cujos elementos mais importantes foram revelados nas últimas semanas, mas para enviar uma mensagem de unidade. Quarta-feira, 16 de outubro, dois anos e meio após a invasão russa de 24 de fevereiro de 2022, o presidente ucraniano, Volodymyr Zelensky, apresentou o seu “plano de vitória” ao Parlamento num discurso que visa tranquilizar e unir numa situação particularmente sombria para o seu país. .

A Presidência tem discutido há vários meses a possibilidade de abertura de negociações de paz com a Rússia. Os ucranianos estão preocupados com o resultado das eleições presidenciais norte-americanas de Novembro, que poderão subverter a política de apoio ao seu aliado mais poderoso. Outra área de ansiedade diz respeito ao próximo inverno, quando as forças do Kremlin trabalham há meses para destruir a maioria das capacidades de produção de energia do país com ataques de mísseis e drones. Na frente, a leste, as forças de Kiev, menos equipadas e numerosas que o exército russo, continuam a recuar.

Mas se os apelos para negociações progredirem entre a população enquanto a guerra dura, a grande maioria ainda recusa concessões territoriais. “Se por negociações queremos dizer um congelamento da situação actual com a Rússia, que se aproveitará disso e depois partirá para a ofensiva, então não, os ucranianos não estão preparados para isso. Os ucranianos precisam de garantias de segurança »diz Oleksiy Haran, professor e pesquisador da Fundação de Iniciativas Democráticas em Kiev.

Neste contexto, o “plano de vitória” apresentado pelo Sr. Zelensky visa essencialmente permitir à Ucrânia obter reforço militar e garantias de segurança dos seus aliados para fortalecer a sua posição. Mas, no entanto, têm sido ouvidas algumas críticas sobre o facto de o futuro do país depender essencialmente dos aliados. No Facebook, o deputado Oleksiy Hontcharenko, do partido do ex-presidente Petro Poroshenko (2014-2019), Solidariedade Europeia, o principal grupo de oposição no Parlamento, criticou um plano “muito irrealista”. “Não houve um debate real sobre as nossas capacidades. Havia apenas palavras vazias”diz o governante eleito.

“Zelensky deliberadamente coloca a fasquia muito alta”

O pedido do governo ucraniano de um convite formal para aderir à NATO ou a possibilidade de utilizar mísseis de longo alcance para atacar alvos nas profundezas do território russo foram até agora recusados ​​pelos aliados, que temem uma nova escalada na guerra.. “Zelensky é um maximalistaanalisa o cientista político Volodymyr Fessenko, diretor do laboratório de estudos políticos Penta, com sede em Kiev, em coluna publicada na mídia NV.UA. Ele deliberadamente eleva a fasquia às nossas exigências políticas, sabendo que não haverá resposta imediata. Em dois anos e meio de guerra, habituou-se a ouvir primeiro “não”, depois “vamos pensar nisso” e, por fim, “sim”. Mas o primeiro passo é oferecer aos nossos parceiros uma solução concreta e depois insistir persistentemente. »

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Scholz defende venda de armas à Turquia após negociações com Erdogan – DW – 19/10/2024



Scholz defende venda de armas à Turquia após negociações com Erdogan – DW – 19/10/2024

Chanceler alemão Olaf Scholz defendeu no sábado um grande aumento nas exportações de defesa para a Turquia, citando a adesão de ambos os países à aliança da NATO como uma das razões.

A chanceler fez os comentários em Istambul, depois de conversa com o presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

“A Turquia é membro da OTAN e é por isso que sempre tomamos decisões de que haverá entregas concretas. Isso é natural”, disse Scholz em entrevista coletiva conjunta, após a reunião dos dois líderes.

A partir de números de um dígito há alguns anos, Alemanha aprovou mais de 100 milhões de euros (108,7 milhões de dólares) em exportações militares para a Turquia até agora este ano.

Um jato Eurofighter alemão decola de uma base militar na Romênia, em 5 de dezembro de 2023
A Turquia está interessada em comprar jatos de combate Eurofighter, fabricados por um consórcio da Alemanha, Grã-Bretanha, Itália e EspanhaImagem: Bernd von Jutrczenka/dpa/picture aliança

Turquia busca acordo para jato Eurofighter

Dirigindo-se aos repórteres, Erdogan agradeceu a Scholz pelos seus esforços para suspender as restrições alemãs às vendas de defesa à Turquia, nomeadamente o desejo de Ancara de comprar 40 Eurofighter Typhoons.

Scholz parecia aberto à possível entrega dos jatos de combate, dizendo que as negociações entre o Reino Unido e a Turquia estão em andamento.

A questão é algo “que se desenvolverá ainda mais, mas que agora está sendo impulsionado a partir daí”, disse a chanceler.

Os Eurofighter Typhoons são construídos por um consórcio de quatro países que agrupa Alemanha, Grã-Bretanha, Espanha e Itália.

No ano passado, Ancara disse que estava interessada em adquirir jatos Eurofighter, mas as negociações não progrediram, em grande parte devido à oposição de Berlim à A posição da Turquia sobre o conflito de Gaza.

Visões conflitantes sobre a guerra em Gaza

Erdogan é um crítico feroz da campanha militar de Israel em Gaza e no Líbano, enquanto Berlim defendeu o direito de Israel à autodefesa, que ambos os líderes reiteraram durante a sua conferência de imprensa.

“Esperamos que todos os actores políticos tomem a iniciativa e ponham fim às políticas agressivas de Israel”, disse Erdogan, denunciando “o genocídio levado a cabo por Israel nos territórios palestinianos e os ataques no Líbano”.

Scholz, por sua vez, disse que a Alemanha “não considera… que a acusação de genocídio seja legítima e justificada”, e depois apelou a um cessar-fogo e à libertação dos reféns detidos pelo Hamas.

O presidente Recep Tayyip Erdogan (R) ouve o chanceler alemão Olaf Scholz (L) discursar aos repórteres após suas palestras no Gabinete Presidencial de Dolmabahçe. Istambul, Turquia, em 19 de outubro de 2024
Os líderes alemães e turcos têm grandes diferenças sobre a guerra em GazaImagem: Ozan Kose/AFP/Getty Images

O que aconteceu com as exportações militares alemãs para a Turquia?

A Turquia era um grande importador de armas alemãs, mas as licenças de exportação foram cortadas significativamente por Berlim após um golpe fracassado contra o governo de Erdogan e uma repressão à oposição, juntamente com a ofensiva terrestre dos militares turcos no norte da Síria em 2016.

Depois de ter recuperado ao longo de vários anos, o governo alemão aprovou este ano 103 milhões de euros (112 milhões de dólares) em exportações militares para a Turquia, segundo dados oficiais.

As exportações são as maiores desde 2011 e incluem a entrega de 28 torpedos e 101 mísseis guiados, disse o governo em resposta a uma pergunta parlamentar do populista de esquerda. Aliança Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW).

O espelho O semanário informou na semana passada que a Alemanha autorizou recentemente grandes entregas de armas a Ancara, incluindo mísseis antiaéreos no valor de várias centenas de milhões de euros.

Scholz-Erodgan discutem migração para a Europa

Os dois líderes também discutiram o migração questão, com Scholz agradecendo a Erdogan pelos esforços da Turquia para ajudar a combater a migração para a Europa.

Ele disse que a Alemanha continuará a apoiar Ancara com o influxo de migrantes vindos da Síria.

Erdogan disse que há atualmente cerca de 3,5 milhões de refugiados sírios na Turquia e que Ancara os rejeitaria.

Berlim, entretanto, tem procurado o apoio de Ancara na questão da deportação de certos migrantes ilegais.

Os cidadãos turcos constituem o terceiro maior grupo de requerentes de asilo na Alemanha, depois dos sírios e dos afegãos.

No primeiro semestre de 2024, 441 pessoas de origem turca foram deportadas da Alemanha para a Turquia, segundo dados oficiais alemães.

No final de Setembro, mais de 15 mil cidadãos turcos foram obrigados a abandonar o país.

mm/wd (AFP, dpa)

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United States Grand Prix: Times, stats, predictions



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Formula 1 arrives in Austin, Texas this week boasting a tense battle for the title with just six races remaining.

Red Bull trail in the constructors’ standings while Max Verstappen’s lead in the driver’s championship after his runaway start to the season has been reduced to just 52 points by McLaren’s Lando Norris.

The excitement resumes this weekend at Circuit of the Americas. Have Red Bull regained performance over the break or have McLaren further capitalised on their development success?

This weekend’s weather will be hot, dry and settled with highs of 28 and 29 degrees celsius across the weekend and partial cloud coverage.

Latest news

McLaren boss Zak Brown warned on Friday of “massive consequences” if champions Red Bull were found to have breached Formula 1 rules on adjusting car set-ups during closed ‘parc ferme’ conditions. Red Bull will make changes to their car after the FIA issued a statement to all teams outlawing such devices.

Carlos Sainz sees Austin as a true measure of Ferrari’s pace.

Verstappen hinted his protest over FIA news conferences will continue after not hearing from the governing body in the three weeks since the last race.

The U.S. Grand Prix saw a spike in ticket sales once Verstappen stopped winning, according to Austin circuit boss Bobby Epstein.

The heir to Hamilton’s throne: Andrea Kimi Antonelli is F1’s next big thing.

United States Grand Prix preview | Listen to the latest episode of ESPN’s F1 podcast Unlapped.

Circuit stats and history

America’s history with F1 dates back to the sport’s origin in 1950 when Indianapolis hosted the event between 1950-1960. In1959, Sebring hosted the first United States Grand Prix, and since then the race has been held at five other circuits.

Circuit of the Americas (COTA) took over as host in 2012 when the track was opened by Mario Andretti, following four years of F1 absence in the U.S..

During F1’s popularity in the eighties in the era of Ayrton Senna, Alain Prost and Niki Lauda, the U.S. hosted additional grands prix including Long Beach from 1976 until the early-eighties, as well as Dallas, Las Vegas and Detroit around the same period.

Now the U.S. has Miami, Austin and Las Vegas on the calendar.

COTA is a varied circuit with straights, esses through to sector two, and a series of hair-pins ins sector three. The high-speed corners takes some inspiration from Silverstone and Hockenheim.

Laps: 56 laps of 5.5km. Total distance 308.4km

Lap record: 1:36.169 Charles Leclerc (2019)

Most wins (COTA): Hamilton (2012, 2014-2017) has the most wins with five. Of the current grid, Verstappen (2021-2023) and Valtteri Bottas (2019) have both won here.

Most poles (COTA): Hamilton (2016-2018) with three. Of the current grid, Bottas (2019), Verstappen (2021), Carlos Sainz (2022), Charles Leclerc (2023) have all been on pole here.

What happened last year?

Verstappen secured his 15th win of the season and the 50th of his F1 career after fighting back from sixth on the grid to take victory. Hamilton finished 2.2 seconds behind, but was later disqualified from the race in breach of technical regulations, with Norris moving up to second, and Sainz in third.

Who’s going to win?

Top teams, including Red Bull and McLaren, are expected to bring upgrades to the Circuit of the Americas, which could shift the competitive landscape at the U.S. Grand Prix. Nevertheless, for the last 10 races McLaren has had the most consistent performance among the top four teams, making Norris the favourite to win again following his victory at the last round in Singapore.

How to watch the GP

Watch on ESPNEWS and ESPN+ (U.S. only) — view the schedule.

Live broadcast coverage in the U.K. is on Sky Sports F1 and BBC Radio 5 Live.

For news, analysis and updates, follow the coverage with ESPN’s F1 team Nate Saunders and Laurence Edmondson in Austin and on social media.

Free practice one: 18:30-19:30 BST
Sprint qualifying: 22:30-23:14 BST

Sprint race: 19:00-20:00 BST
Qualifying: 23:00-00:00 BST

Race starts: 20:00 BST.

How the championships look

Norris trails Verstappen by 52 points in the drivers’ championship with three wins to the Dutchman’s seven this year. Boosted by Oscar Piastri’s two race wins, McLaren lead the constructors’ championship by 41 points, just two wins behind Red Bull’s seven.

Standings | Calendar | Teams

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