Marfrig adopts Sadia as flagship brand for global expansion | Agribusiness
4 meses atrásem
Marfrig and food producer BRF are not yet a single entity—and it may take time before they fully merge—but their recent actions highlight an increasing level of integration. Executives from both companies announced on Sunday in Paris, on the sidelines of the Salon International de l’Agroalimentaire (Sial), one of the world’s largest trade fairs for the animal food industry, that BRF’s Sadia brand will now drive Marfrig’s beef export growth. Also, Marfrig’s beef cuts in the Brazilian market will carry the Sadia/Bassi and Perdigão/Montana labels.
Marfrig, which currently holds a 51% stake in BRF, is pursuing further synergy between the two companies. This move follows a September announcement that merged key brands to strengthen their presence in Brazil’s processed beef market. Under this strategy, Marfrig’s premium beef hamburgers began carrying the Sadia/Bassi label, while Perdigão/Montana was adopted for BRF’s Perdigão line of processed beef products.
“We will extend this brand merger to beef cuts in Brazil starting in November… Now, globally, Sadia becomes the expansion brand for the Marfrig BRF group’s beef business,” said Marcel Sacco, vice president of marketing and new business at BRF.
Marfrig operates several beef brands worldwide, such as GJ, Pampeano, Tacuarembó, and Quickfood—the latter two being produced in its Uruguayan and Argentine units. While these brands will continue, GJ, currently present in 91 countries, will gradually be replaced as a priority brand, though it will remain in the market. “We’re also introducing Sadia due to its international recognition and existing presence,” said Mr. Sacco, noting that the brand is a leader in Brazil’s food segment, ranks third in Latin America, and holds a strong position in the halal market.
The group plans to use Sadia in new markets and assess the need for changes in markets where other brands are already established, according to Miguel Gularte, CEO of BRF. Rui Mendonça, Marfrig’s CEO for South America, emphasized that the “preferred brand will be Sadia.”
This synergy extends to their international sales operations, where “multiprotein” sales teams are in place. Sales representatives from both companies now sell beef produced by Marfrig and pork and chicken from BRF. For instance, BRF’s Shanghai office now serves both companies, and Marfrig handles the distribution of BRF products in Argentina and Uruguay, according to Alisson Navarro, Marfrig’s export director. “All employees sell all the proteins,” he noted.
According to Marfrig, selecting Sadia as the brand for expanding beef exports also positions the company to strengthen its presence in the Middle East’s halal market. The Sadia brand has been a staple in the region for 50 years, already well-regarded for its chicken products.
Igor Marti, vice president of Halal Markets, highlighted that efforts to promote the brand have begun at the point of sale. “We are giving the Sadia brand a strong presence at retail locations and providing support materials to show consumers that the brand they trust for chicken and vegetables can also be trusted for red meat,” he said.
The group aims to capture market share and boost margins by using the Sadia brand in export markets. The integration between Marfrig and BRF extends beyond branding to include efficiencies in sales, supply chain, and services. According to Mr. Gularte, this is already evident in freight negotiations.
In this integrated sales model, many clients who previously sourced chicken and pork from BRF but purchased beef elsewhere now buy all three proteins directly from Marfrig and BRF, Mr. Gularte noted.
The portfolio integration is part of a broader strategy that began when Marfrig took control of BRF. “When Marfrig took control, it introduced a performance culture program, focusing on areas where improvements could be made and identifying practices in one company that could be applied to the other,” Mr. Gularte said.
Reflecting on these recent developments, Marfrig’s founder, Marcos Molina, emphasized the mutual benefits of this collaborative approach. “The global expansion of the Sadia brand into the beef market showcases the potential for value creation through our joint efforts,” he said. Addressing the merger prospect, Mr. Molina added, “Regardless of the corporate structure, which is neither a concern nor a priority, both companies are already operating as a multiprotein entity across various regions.”
As he prepares for the following stages of integration with BRF, he notes, “There is still much to accomplish.” Mr. Molina awaits a decision from Uruguay’s competition authorities regarding the sale of three beef assets in the country to Minerva. These units are part of a larger package of 16 plants that Marfrig sold to Minerva in August 2023 for R$7.5 billion. While Brazil’s Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) approved the sale of 13 plants (11 in Brazil, one in Chile, and one in Argentina), Uruguay’s antitrust agency blocked the transfer of the three plants within its jurisdiction, prompting an appeal from Minerva. Approximately R$6 billion from the deal is expected to enter Marfrig’s cash flow on October 28.
The journalist traveled at the invitation of Marfrig and BRF.
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Governo atende STF e indígenas e regulamenta poder de polícia da Funai – 03/02/2025 – Cotidiano
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3 de fevereiro de 2025O presidente Lula (PT) assinou nesta segunda-feira (3) um decreto para regulamentar o poder de polícia da Funai. Agora, os servidores da autarquia poderão notificar infratores e apreender e destruir instrumentos usados para violar os direitos dos povos indígenas.
O decreto atende determinação do STF, atendendo reivindicação da Apib (Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil). Apesar de a lei que criou a Funai, de 1967, prever poder de polícia para os agentes, isso nunca foi, de fato, posto em prática. Isso porque o texto era vago sobre quais as situações em que isso pode ocorrer.
Medida permite que agentes:
- Interditem ou restrinjam acesso de terceiros a terras indígenas por prazo determinado;
- Expeçam notificação de medida cautelar em caso de infração com prazo, sob pena de evoluir para um processo administrativo ou judicial;
- Determinem a retirada compulsória de invasores quando houver risco para os povos ou terras indígenas;
- Restrinjam acesso de terceiros às terras indígenas e áreas em que houver indígenas isolados;
- Solicitem colaboração de órgãos de controle e repressão, como as polícias;
- Lacrem instalações usadas para infrações;
- Apreendam ou destruam, em casos excepcionais, objetos usados para infrações
A regulamentação do poder de polícia da Funai era reivindicação antiga dos servidores da autarquia. O tema voltou ao debate após o assassinato do indigenista Bruno Pereira e do jornalista britânico Dom Phillips na terra indígena do Vale do Javari (AM), em 2022.
Tramita ainda no Congresso um projeto de lei para permitir que os agentes de campo da Funai tenham porte de arma de fogo. O texto foi aprovado na CCJ (Comissão de Constituição e Justiça) em outubro passado, e precisa ser pautado no plenário da Casa para avançar.
As terras indígenas são fiscalizadas principalmente pela Funai. Em 2023, último relatório disponível, 208 indígenas foram mortos, 15% a mais do que no ano anterior, segundo informativo do Cimi (Conselho Indigenista Missionário). Não há dados oficiais publicados até o momento. O Ministério dos Povos Indígenas disse que deve divulgar esses dados ainda neste ano, por meio de uma parceria com o Banco Mundial.
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3 de fevereiro de 2025Era uma nomeação tão aguardada. Segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro, Mathias Ott, 47 anos, assumiu oficialmente o cargo à frente da delegação interministerial na luta contra o racismo, o anti-semitismo e o ódio anti-LGBT (Dilcrah), uma posição que está vazia desde a saída de seu antecessor , Olivier Klein, em junho de 2024. Nomeado pelo Presidente da República do Conselho de Ministros, em 15 de janeiro, este formado no Instituto de Estudos Políticos de Lille era notavelmente chefe de gabinete de Jean Castex, então em Matignon. Ele apresentou seu roteiro em um contexto particularmente sensível, marcado por um aumento constante de fatos racistas e a explosão de atos anti -semíticos desde o ataque terrorista do Hamas em Israel em 7 de outubro de 2023 e a resposta a Gaza.
Em 22 de janeiro, relatou o Conselho Representante de Instituições Judaicas na França (CRIF) 1.570 atos anti -semíticos identificados para o ano 2024 (Número de reclamações de atos anti -semíticos registrados pelo Ministério do Interior e comunicados ao Serviço de Proteção da Comunidade Judaica). Um número relativamente estável em comparação com 2023 (1.676 atos), mas em líquido aumentou em comparação com 2022, que teve 436.
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