Morgan Freeman’s 5 Favorite Movies Of All Time



Morgan Freeman's 5 Favorite Movies Of All Time

For film fans, the next best thing to actually watching movies is talking about movies. There’s not much in this life that’s better than having a great conversation about the films that move us, exasperate us, confuse us, and change us. This is probably why we love when celebrities get asked about their own favorite movies, whether they’re listing their Letterboxd top four or gushing about their five favorites to Rotten Tomatoes. It’s simple: we learn more about people, and love them more, when we get to see them light up talking about the movies they love. Esteemed actor Morgan Freeman has shared his five favorite films with Rotten Tomatoes twice now, and his choices are wide-ranging and unexpected.

The first time the Oscar-winning star of such films as “Million Dollar Baby,” “The Dark Knight,” and “Driving Miss Daisy” was asked about his all-time favorite movies, in 2011, he dropped a list that spanned half a century and included plenty of spectacle, drama, and character work. Rotten Tomatoes checked back in with Freeman twelve years later as well, and while four of his initial choices remained the same, he swapped out one for a more modern flick. We’ll talk about all of them here. If you need some ideas for your next movie night, God’s got you covered.

High Noon

“Whatever happened to Gary Cooper?” One of Tony Soprano’s favorite films is also one of Morgan Freeman’s. Freeman has cited the 1952 Western as one of the all-time greats at least twice, noting both times how much he loves its lone gunslinger theme. “I’ve always been a big fan of Gary Cooper’s, and this was a very interesting story of a man finding himself alone to face a man who hates him,” Freeman told Rotten Tomatoes in 2023.

In 2011 he went more in-depth with a spoiler-filled assessment of the movie. “What sticks with me about that movie is that the woman that he loved, who was completely anti-violence, stood up with him, ultimately,” Freeman said. “And at the end, when all the townspeople had run away, he took that badge off and threw it in the dirt.” 

Despite getting caught up in Hollywood’s Red Scare (and writing it into the script), “High Noon” won four Oscars upon its release, including one for Cooper. Written by Carl Foreman from a story by John W. Cunningham, it’s often been recognized for the subversive ways it approached the Western, tweaking and arguably progressing from some of the genre’s more historically damaging archetypes. It’s also, by all accounts, just a damn good movie.

Moulin Rouge!

I’m not sure what kind of movie I imagine Morgan Freeman watching in his spare time, but it’s not Baz Luhrmann’s overwhelmingly spectacular musical odyssey “Moulin Rouge!” Yet Freeman cited it as one of his all-time favorite movies for two decades in a row, calling it “perfect” in 2011. If you haven’t been introduced to one of Luhrmann’s most dazzling stories, you should know that “Moulin Rouge!” stars Ewan McGregor as a lovestruck poet who falls for a sultry cabaret star played by Nicole Kidman. Set at the dawn of the 20th century, the movie uses modern songs like Elton John’s “Your Song” and Madonna’s “Like A Virgin” to tell the star-crossed lovers’ story.

Like “High Noon,” “Moulin Rouge!” is an Oscar winner, taking home two trophies after earning eight nominations. The movie inspired a stage musical, produced a number-one hit single (remember “Lady Marmalade”?), and had more than a few detractors. At LA Weekly, Ella Taylor wrote at the time that the movie was “hard work,” “fatally cluttered” and “overwhelmingly red.” Still, the big emotions and even bigger musical numbers worked well for many people, and Freeman was one of them. “I think one of the best movies ever made was Baz Luhrmann’s ‘Moulin Rouge!'” he said in 2011. “It was just an extraordinarily well done film. Editing, directing, costuming — just everything about it was perfect.”

The Outlaw Josey Wales

Another revisionist Western that Freeman has cited more than once, “The Outlaw Josey Wales” has the distinction of featuring Clint Eastwood, who would eventually direct and act opposite Freeman himself. “I like all movies with Clint, but ‘The Outlaw Josey Wales’ is one I can’t pass up,” the actor told Rotten Tomatoes last year. “If I’m scrolling through and I come across it, I’ve got to watch it.” 

Eastwood also directed the 1976 picture, which counted Philip Kaufman among its writers. In it, the actor plays a farmer with Confederate ties caught up in the bloodshed of the Civil War and its aftermath. It’s an ethically strange movie about governmental betrayal, found family, and the brutal toll of war. Though some of its messaging and depictions may feel dated today, it broke new ground upon release, and it apparently still holds up. In 2023, /Film named Josey Wales as the fourth-best character Eastwood has ever played.

“The Outlaw Josey Wales” was one of Eastwood’s earliest directorial success stories, earning rave reviews and making money at the box office. In his three star review of the movie, Roger Ebert called it “a strange and daring Western” that went “against the rules” of the genre in interesting ways. In 2011, Freeman singled out Chief Dan George, the Tsleil-Waututh Nation tribal leader who starred opposite Eastwood, as the movie’s secret weapon. “I don’t know what it is about ‘The Outlaw Josey Wales’ that sticks,” Freeman noted, before correcting himself. “Oh, I do know what it is: it’s the relationship with Chief Dan George. The narration, as it were, of Chief Dan George in that movie, you know. He’s so dry, and it’s humorous, but true.”

Moby Dick

Adaptations are tough, but there’s one that Freeman thinks filmmakers got just right. “‘Moby Dick.’ Yes. Now that was filmmaking,” Freeman said in 2011, referencing John Huston’s 1956 epic. He continued: “I read the book, and there are very few books that I have read and seen the movie and liked the movie.” A decade later, he noted that he saw the movie when it was new at age 19, and it sounds like it was a pretty formative moviegoing experience. “I couldn’t have imagined it any different than it was when I saw it in my mind when I read the book. It was all there. Gregory Peck was just awesome.”

Peck stars as the obsessive Captain Ahab in Huston’s take on the classic doorstop of a Herman Melville novel. Perhaps the least acclaimed movie on this list, “Moby Dick” didn’t score any major awards, and it’s not talked about as often as movies like “High Noon” or “Moulin Rouge!” today. Yet it shares with those movies an attention to cinematic spectacle, to adventure, and to moral complexity — not to mention some great performances. Freeman cites Peck as one of his favorite actors, along with Cooper and Humphrey Bogart. He also notes that Peck was in a second, rare as-good-as-the-book adaptation: “To Kill A Mockingbird,” the beloved 1962 adaptation of Harper Lee’s coming-of-age classic.

Life of Pi (and King Kong)

Curiously, one movie Freeman listed in 2011 is absent from his Rotten Tomatoes list in 2023. His most recent top five includes “Life of Pi,” Ang Lee’s dazzling, emotional adaptation of Yann Martel’s 2001 novel. “Ang Lee is, I think, probably one of the best directors in the business,” Freeman says, calling the movie a “very interesting fable.” As with “High Noon,” the rest of Freeman’s take on the film gets into heavy spoiler territory, so we’ll spare you the details while noting that he called the fantasy-filled survival movie “phantasmagorical” and praised its ambiguity.

Lee won an Oscar for his work on the film about a shipwrecked boy (Suraj Sharma) trapped in a boat with a gaggle of zoo animals, which was also a commercial success. It’s not, however, the only fifth movie Freeman has listed in interviews. Back in 2011, he named the original 1933 “King Kong” film not just as one of his favorites, but as his favorite of all time. “My number one favorite film was the first film I ever saw — I was six-years-old before I ever went to the movies — and that film is the original ‘King Kong,'” Freeman said. “It’s still, I think, the best ‘King Kong.'” You can’t argue with the magic of a kid’s first moviegoing experience, especially when it was a franchise-starting stop-motion marvel and one of the most influential horror films in history.

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Estará a Europa à beira de uma nova crise do gás? – DW – 12/02/2024



Estará a Europa à beira de uma nova crise do gás? – DW – 12/02/2024

Aumento dos preços do gás nas últimas semanas trouxe de volta algumas lembranças ruins para os comerciantes de energia europeus — e para os governos.

São frescas as lembranças dos problemas que atingiram mercados de energia seguindo A invasão da Ucrânia pela Rússia em 2022. Enquanto o continente lutava para acabar com a sua dependência de Gás russoos preços dispararam.

Além de abastecer já desenfreado inflaçãoisso gerou preocupações sobre possíveis apagões. Os preços persistentemente elevados também criaram problemas para as indústrias com utilização intensiva de energia, conduzindo ao encerramento e à perda de postos de trabalho.

A Europa acabou por sobreviver aos dois últimos invernos, em grande parte graças a um clima mais ameno do que o esperado, que lhe permitiu manter baixo o consumo de energia. No entanto, o início frio de Novembro contribuiu para um novo aumento nos preços do gás natural.

Os preços dispararam em novembro, atingindo quase 49 euros (51,6 dólares) por megawatt-hora (MWh) em 21 de novembro, o preço mais alto em mais de um ano.

Os medos são justificados?

O tempo frio levou a uma maior utilização de aquecimento e, combinado com a baixa velocidade do vento no norte da Europa e a consequente queda na oferta renovável, o gás é mais procurado.

No entanto, os preços permanecem muito abaixo dos máximos observados durante 2022, especialmente porque a procura global de gás caiu desde então. O choque também pode ser parcialmente explicado pelo facto de, ao longo de 2024, os preços terem sido muito mais baixos do que em qualquer momento desde o início da guerra.

“Os preços subiram aproximadamente 40% desde meados de setembro”, disse à DW Petras Katinas, analista de energia do Centro de Pesquisa em Energia e Ar Limpo (CREA). “Então é um salto enorme de repente.”

A perspectiva de um Inverno mais frio levou a receios de que as existências – totalmente abastecidas até recentemente – pudessem esgotar-se e alimentar um aumento cíclico dos preços.

No entanto, Katinas diz que o controlo da Rússia no mercado europeu enfraqueceu muito desde 2022 e que o discurso de uma “crise” é exagerado. “Eu não chamaria isso de crise, especialmente se compararmos o que realmente aconteceu em 2022 e 2023”, disse ele. “A maioria dos Estados-membros da UE já não depende muito do gás russo.”

Como a guerra da Rússia na Ucrânia mudou a economia global

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Mas e o gás russo?

Mas as questões em torno do gás russo continuam a influenciar o quadro geral.

A Rússia está longe de ser o gigante que era em termos de fornecimento de gás à UE. A percentagem de gás gasoduto russo importado pelos Estados-Membros caiu de 40% do total em 2021 para cerca de 9% em 2023. No entanto, de acordo com dados recentes do CREA, um aumento no gás russo gás natural liquefeito (GNL) no bloco significa que ainda representa 18% do total das importações de gás da UE, um aumento de quase 5% em relação a 2023.

O gás gasoduto parece estar chegando ao fim. A Áustria, um dos últimos países europeus que ainda recebe gás gasoduto da Rússia, finalmente parou de receber o hidrocarboneto após uma disputa judicial com a Gazprom, a empresa estatal russa de gás.

Embora a Eslováquia e a Hungria ainda recebam gás gasoduto russo, todas as indicações sugerem que o acordo terminará praticamente no final de 2024. O acordo de trânsito de gás de cinco anos que envolve Gazprom e a empresa estatal ucraniana Naftogaz para o trânsito de gás russo através do território ucraniano expira no final do ano e Kiev diz que não o renovará.

Embora o gasoduto TurkStream continue a abastecer a Hungria, o fim dos fluxos através da Ucrânia exercerá pressão sobre os países da Europa Central para encontrarem um abastecimento alternativo.

Um funcionário da Gazprom trabalha na estação de medição de gás Sudzha, a apenas 200 metros da fronteira com a Ucrânia, na região de Kursk, na Federação Russa
Espera-se que a Ucrânia não renove o seu acordo de trânsito de gás com a Rússia no final de 2024Imagem: Maxim Shipenkov/epa/dpa/picture-alliance

Borys Dodonov, chefe do Centro de Estudos de Energia e Clima da Escola de Economia de Kiev, espera que o acordo de trânsito de gás acabe porque “a Ucrânia não tem qualquer justificação económica para renovar este contrato”.

Numa entrevista à DW, ele apontou a possibilidade de algum tipo alternativo de acordo ser feito. “Não podemos excluir quaisquer acordos ocultos ou corrupção”, disse ele, e acrescentou que a própria UE poderia fazer lobby para manter o fluxo de gás, a fim de evitar potenciais escassezes em países como a Eslováquia e a Hungria.

Surpreendentemente, apesar de tudo o que aconteceu nos últimos três anos, a UE continua a ser o maior cliente da Rússia, tanto de gás gasoduto como de GNL. Em Outubro, a UE comprou 49% de todas as exportações de GNL da Rússia e 40% de todas as suas exportações de gás por gasoduto.

O GNL poderia finalmente resolver o problema?

Dado que o gasoduto russo para a Europa foi praticamente cortado em 2022o GNL tornou-se mais importante para ambas as partes. Os volumes de GNL russo no bloco aumentaram perto de 15% até agora este ano.

Dodonov insiste que a Europa não precisa de nenhum gás russo para satisfazer as suas necessidades energéticas, incluindo o GNL, devido à nova capacidade de GNL proveniente dos EUA. Ele espera que o novo presidente dos EUA Donald Trump para aumentar a produção de GNL e pensa que a Europa poderia estar preparada para um grande acordo comercial de gás com o país.

Ed Cox, chefe de GNL global do fornecedor independente de dados de mercadorias ICIS, observa que o GNL representa agora 34% da quota total de gás da Europa desde a invasão em 2022, o dobro do que era antes disso. A mudança para o GNL significou que a Europa está agora mais vulnerável às pressões globais sobre os preços. “A Europa está mais ligada aos fundamentos de um mercado global do que nunca”, disse ele à DW, embora a procura global de gás na Europa tenha caído cerca de 20% desde o período pré-invasão devido aos preços elevados, ao clima mais quente do que o esperado. e aumento da capacidade renovável.

Um navio-tanque de GNL chamado Energos Power sendo guiado para o terminal de GNL de Mukran, na Alemanha
Embora a Europa importe mais GNL do que antes de 2022, os volumes caíram recentementeImagem: Stefan Sauer/dpa/imagem aliança

Cox acredita que no caso de um inverno frio e do fim do acordo de trânsito com a Ucrânia, A Europa ainda será capaz de satisfazer as suas necessidades de gás através do GNL. No entanto, correrá o risco de preços muito mais elevados, uma vez que a oferta não aumentará dramaticamente no curto prazo. “A Europa obterá GNL suficiente se precisar. Mas isso pode significar que os preços europeus terão de subir para competir com a procura asiática.”

Os preços mais elevados do gás para reabastecer os stocks após o inverno, acrescentou, teriam um efeito de repercussão no inverno de 2025 e mais além. “A questão não é se temos GNL ou gás suficiente, mas sim as implicações nos preços.”

Editado por: Uwe Hessler

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7 players to score a Premier League hat-trick on Boxing Day



7 players to score a Premier League hat-trick on Boxing Day

Key Takeaways

  • Only seven players have scored a hat-trick on Boxing Day in the Premier League.
  • Thierry Henry, Kevin Phillips, and Robbie Fowler are among the players who achieved this feat.
  • Chris Wood is the latest player to join this elite club with his hat-trick for Nottingham Forest against Newcastle United.

The festive period provides little rest for clubs across England and the Premier League, as the fixture list ramps up heading into the new year. Boxing Day is one of the most treasured days of the footballing calendar, with a catalogue of games up and down the country. Over the years, we’ve seen a number of thrilling affairs take place on 26th December and a plethora of shining performances from some of the most famed players.

Quite incredibly, only seven players have scored a hat-trick on Boxing Day in the Premier League, with Nottingham Forest’s Chris Wood the latest player to join that elite club. His starring performance in the North East in December 2023 left St James’ Park stunned and perhaps most notably Eddie Howe, who signed the towering centre-forward for £25m from Burnley less than two years prior without getting any real return on his investment.

GIVEMESPORT has dug back through the history books to find some of the most sparkling showings the top flight has staged, as we take a look at seven players to score a Premier League hat-trick on Boxing Day. Without further ado, here are the selections…

Boxing Day hat-tricks






Thierry Henry

Leicester City



Kevin Phillips

Bradford City



Robbie Fowler

Bolton Wanderers



Dimitar Berbatov

Wigan Athletic



Gareth Bale

Aston Villa



Harry Kane




Chris Wood

Newcastle United


1 Thierry Henry

26th December 2000: Arsenal 6-1 Leicester City

Arsenal ran riot at Highbury as they swept aside the visiting Leicester City 6-1. Thierry Henry netted his first Gunners hat-trick on his 50th league appearance for the North Londoners as his side regained their title hopes. The dazzling French forward opened the scoring with a well-placed half-volley that beat City’s goalkeeper Tim Flowers before Patrick Vieira added the second shortly after the half-time interval. Foxes striker Ade Akinbiyi pulled one back minutes later to give the visitors hope but that was soon shattered when Henry spun Matt Elliot and rolled the ball home to make it 3-1 not long after the hour mark.

Freddie Ljungberg netted the fourth of the Boxing Day affair with a hooked finish and then Henry got his hat-trick, having rounded Flowers with trickery before sliding the ball home. To compound the Foxes’ miseries, Arsenal captain Tony Adams added a sixth to round off the conclusive win. “United have to drop a level and we have to be more consistent before I can talk about catching them back for the title,” Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger said post-match.

Match summary


Arsenal 6-1 Leicester City


Henry (35′, 66′, 82′), Vieira (50′), Ljungberg (75′), Adams (90′)





Stats per Transfermarkt

2 Kevin Phillips

26th December 2000: Bradford City 1-4 Sunderland


While Henry was firing in the goals in the capital, Kevin Phillips was also netting a hat-trick, helping his Sunderland side secure a resounding 4-1 victory on the road at Bradford City. Niall Quin broke the deadlock just before half-time and then Kevin Phillips netted his first of the afternoon shortly after the break, beating Bradford shot-stopper Gary Walsh. The prolific frontman scored another in quick succession before the hosts pulled one back through Robbie Blake, who volleyed home Ashley Ward’s knockdown. Blake’s goal turned out to be a consolation as Phillips completed his hat-trick 10 minutes later to make it four. He could’ve had a fourth, too, but for a missed penalty in the 87th minute, as Walsh denied the England international.

Match summary


Bradford City 1-4 Sunderland


Quinn (45′), Phillips (48′, 55′, 85′)


Northern Commercials Stadium



Stats per Transfermarkt

3 Robbie Fowler

26th December 2001: Bolton Wanderers 0-3 Leeds United


Robbie Fowler netted all three of Leeds United’s goals as they secured a convincing victory away at Bolton Wanderers. The ex-Liverpool forward opened the scoring in a flash, firing home past Jussi Jääskeläinen within 2 minutes and then shortly after grabbing a second. Fowler didn’t complete his hat-trick until the 89th minute when he knocked the ball past the onrushing keeper before faking the shot to make room for a simple tap-in. He perhaps should’ve scored four but he missed his 84th-minute spot-kick. Victory for the visitors moved them up to third, one point adrift of league leaders Arsenal whilst defeat for the home side left them teetering just above the relegation zone, having won one from eight.

Match summary


Bolton Wanderers 0-3 Leeds United


Fowler (2′,16, 89′)


University of Bolton Stadium



Stats per Transfermarkt

4 Dimitar Berbatov

26th December 2011: Manchester United 5-0 Wigan Athletic


Manchester United moved level with their rivals Manchester City at the summit of the Premier League table with victory, as they thumped Wigan Athletic 5-0. Park Ji-sung opened the scoring after great endeavour from Patrice Evra on the left before Wigan forward Conor Sammon was harshly shown a straight red card for catching Jonny Evans with a flailing arm. Heading into the break, Dimitar Berbatov fired in a left-footed strike from close range to put the hosts 2-0 to the good.

The ex-Tottenham Hotspur striker added his second just before the hour mark, having spun his marker with a clever turn before toe-poking past Ali Al Habsi. Antonio Valencia got in on the act to make it four 15 minutes from time, thundering home a low-drive effort from the corner of the penalty area. And, to round off the hammering, Berbatov completed his hat-trick after cooly converting a penalty won by Park Ji-sung.


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Imagine playing alongside Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo and snubbing them both when naming your favourite strike partner…

Match summary


Manchester United 5-0 Wigan Athletic


Park Ji-sung (8′), Berbatov (41′, 58′, 78′) Valencia (75′)


Old Trafford



Stats per Transfermarkt

5 Gareth Bale

26th December 2012: Aston Villa 0-4 Tottenham Hotspur


Tottenham Hotspur ran riot at Villa Park, although, at half-time the Boxing Day affair was goalless. After a flurry of first-half chances, Jermain Defoe finally broke the deadlock in the 57th minute, beating Brad Guzan with a clever poked finish and then four minutes later Gareth Bale used his pace to get beyond the last line of defenders before rounding the keeper and rolling home. The Welshman netted another in the 73rd minute and then completed his hat-trick just over 10 minutes later, lashing in from 10 yards out. Bale would go on to join Real Madrid for a world record fee worth £85.3m at the end of the season after netting 21 times in the league whilst laying on eight assists.

Match summary


Aston Villa 0-4 Tottenham Hotspur


Defoe (57′), Bale (61′, 73′, 84′)


Villa Park



Stats per Transfermarkt

6 Harry Kane

26th December 2017: Tottenham Hotspur 5-2 Southampton

Harry Kane applauding Tottenham fans in 2017/18

Tottenham Hotspur picked up three points in a seven-goal Boxing Day thriller as they demolished Southampton 5-2. Harry Kane netted his sixth hat-trick of 2017 and broke the record for the most Premier League goals scored in a single calendar year, surpassing Alan Shearer’s 36-goal total at Blackburn Rovers in 1995.

The England forward scored the opener in the 22nd minute when he nodded home Christian Eriksen’s wicked curling delivery and shortly after Son Heung-min played the ball across the six-yard box for him to tap home his second of the afternoon. Dele perfectly placed a 20-yard low-driven effort just after the half-time interval to make it three before Son added a fourth two minutes later. Kane completed his hat-trick with a marvellous chipped finish sandwiched between two consolation Saints goals from Sofiane Boufal and Dušan Tadić.

Kane ended the campaign with 30 goals but remarkably missed out on the Golden Boot, as Mohamed Salah netted a whopping 32 times for Liverpool in his debut season. Notwithstanding that, the Spurs ace went on to win the Golden Boot at the 2018 World Cup in Russia, helping the Three Lions to reach their first semi-final since 1990.


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Match summary


Tottenham Hotspur 5-2 Southampton


Kane (22, 39′, 67′), Dele (49′), Son (51′), Boufal (64′), Tadić (82′)





Stats per Transfermarkt

7 Chris Wood

26th December 2023: Newcastle United 1-3 Nottingham Forest


Chris Wood is the latest Premier League player to score a 15-minute Boxing Day hat-trick after firing Nottingham Forest to a 3-1 victory at St James’ Park against his former club Newcastle United in December 2023. The hosts took the lead after Alexander Isak converted from the penalty spot but Wood levelled the scores on the stroke of half-time with a simple close-range finish. Not long into the second half the 70-cap New Zealand international was at the double and this time with an absolute cracker.

He picked the ball up on the left and turned inside Dan Burn before producing a delightful left-footed dink over Martin Dúbravka to put the visitors 2-1 to the good, silencing the home crowd. And on the hour mark, Wood made it three to complete his hat-trick, rounding the keeper before slotting home to take his total to seven goals for the season. The newly appointed Forest boss Nuno Espírito Santo picked up his first victory in charge of the East Midlands club as his side rose to 16th, two points clear of the relegation zone.

Match summary


Newcastle United 1-3 Nottingham Forest


Isak (23′), Wood (45′, 53′, 60′)


St James’ Park



Stats per Transfermarkt

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Temperatura elevada leva cidade do Rio ao Nível de Calor 2



Temperatura elevada leva cidade do Rio ao Nível de Calor 2

Cristina Indio do Brasil – Repórter da Agência Brasil

A cidade do Rio de Janeiro entrou no Nível de Calor 2 (NC2), às 09h20 desta segunda-feira (2). Esta etapa é a segunda de cinco níveis e se caracteriza, segundo o Sistema Alerta Rio, órgão de meteorologia da Prefeitura do Rio, “pela previsão ou registro de índices de calor tanto em temperatura, como na umidade, entre 36ºC e 40ºC, por um período de um ou dois dias consecutivos e por quatro horas ou mais”.

Por causa das áreas de instabilidade, associadas à aproximação de uma frente fria, a previsão para hoje é temperatura máxima de 40°C. De acordo com o Sistema Alerta Rio, as condições meteorológicas devem continuar neste patamar ao longo do dia. Já amanhã (3) e na quarta-feira, a previsão é de declínio das temperaturas em decorrência da passagem desta frente fria.

O monitoramento das condições de tempo permanece sendo realizado pelo Sistema Alerta Rio e qualquer atualização será publicada nos canais oficiais da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e do Centro de Operações.

Para esta situação de intenso calor, a Prefeitura do Rio recomendou, que mesmo sem ter sede, a população aumente a ingestão de água ou de sucos de frutas naturais, sem adição de açúcar. Além disso, consuma alimentos leves, como frutas e saladas; use roupas leves e frescas; evite bebidas alcoólicas com elevado teor de açúcar, porque pode provocar desidratação.

A exposição direta ao sol deve ser evitada, principalmente, entre 10h e 16h. Quanto aos pets, é preciso evitar os passeios na mesma faixa de horário e é necessário checar também a temperatura do solo. “Não esqueça de disponibilizar água fresca para o seu pet. Hidratação é fundamental”, completou.

A prefeitura sugeriu ainda que a população acesse as redes sociais e sites do Centro de Operações e da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde para se informar sobre os níveis de calor na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. É muito importante também, não deixar de tomar medicamentos de rotina, uma vez que o calor pode prejudicar mais quem tem hipertensão, diabetes ou insuficiência cardíaca. “Ofereça água com frequência a crianças e idosos, mesmo que não sintam sede”, acrescentou.

O Centro de Operações da Prefeitura do Rio esclareceu, no entanto, que “o nível de calor não altera os estágios operacionais da cidade” e que o Rio está no Estágio 1.


Leia Mais: Agência Brasil

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