NBA Trade Rumors: Three potential trade targets that the Rockets won’t have to give up the farm to acquire
11 horas atrásem
The Houston Rockets have been linked to several trade rumors from the likes of Kevin Durant to Giannis Antetokounmpo, but as we have covered here at TDS numerous times, NBA insiders are reporting that the Rockets are not looking to move on from their young core, and even that the “Terror Twins” are untouchable. However, the Rockets do possess other assets aside from their young core, namely future picks from the Suns that could prove to be valuable for a team sporting a mostly past-their-prime core of players.
In my piece from earlier this month, “Should the Rockets be shopping their young core while their stock is high?”, I stated that I agree that the Rockets should stand pat with their core, but that I would like to explore some smaller trades that could shore up their biggest weakness, and be a difference maker in terms of the immediate outlook for how this season could go. Let’s do that now. Here are my top five trade targets that I think could make a big difference this season and won’t cost the Rockets the farm.
3. Dorian Finney-Smith (Brooklyn Nets)
Finney-Smith is 31 years old and is in the final year of his contract, although he does have a player option for next season worth $15.3 million. His name came up in trade rumors this offseason, but surprisingly, a deal never came to fruition. The Brooklyn Nets are a bit of a head scratcher this season because they are supposed to be tanking, but instead are currently eighth in the Eastern conference at 9-10. As Rockets fans from the late 2000s to early 2010’s knows, eighth place is essentially NBA purgatory, and being that they recently received all their draft capital back from the Rockets, it would be in their best interest to start losing. At least that would be my sales pitch to Brooklyn’s GM if I were Rafael Stone.
Finney-Smith is averaging 10 points per game on 46 percent shooting and 42 percent from the three-point line. He has a below average defensive rating, but let’s face it, the Rockets play team defense better than almost any other team in the league and can sacrifice a little defense for some more consistent shooting. The best part about it is you can probably get this deal done for the expiring contracts of Jae’Sean Tate, Jeff Green, and a couple of low-level draft picks. Even should Finney-Smith decide to opt-in on his player-option next season, you go into the season having addressed your shooting woes, and if he walks, it only cost you two guys you weren’t bringing back any way and some draft fodder.
2. Jerami Grant (Portland Trail Blazers)
This trade is going to have to sting a little, but the reward has the potential to be worth it. The Trail Blazers are in the same boat as the Nets. They need to lose, a lot. Inexplicably, they chose to sign Grant to a five-year, $160 million contract with a player option in the fifth year, two months before they traded Damian Lillard to the Milwaukee Bucks. I guess they thought the resigning would make Lillard want to stay. Regardless, once Dame left, the trajectory of the team left right along with him so, teams have been coveting Grant ever since.
While Grant’s three-point shooting has taken a dip this season, he is a 36 percent shooter from distance, and he is a good athlete who can guard multiple positions. His numbers being down this year are likely because he’s on a bad team. In a vacuum, Dillon Brooks is having a better offensive season, but no one truly believes Brooks is a better offensive player. I’ve already expressed my opinion that Brooks is replaceable in the Rockets starting five, so I believe a move for Grant should include him for salary purposes, but you will have to sweeten the pot for Portland. That likely means including Cam Whitmore and multiple of Phoenix’s first rounders. Tate or Steven Adams could be involved in such a trade as well. This move may or may not weaken the Rockets defensively, but I believe the gain offensively would be more than worth the risk.
1. Cameron Johnson (Brooklyn Nets)
This one would cost the Rockets the most, but it would elevate this team from feisty upstart to being on the verge of contention. Cam Johnson is a player Rockets fans have coveted for a long time. The problem is, they aren’t the only ones. There are 29 other teams in the league that would love to add Johnson to their roster. A 6-foot 8-inch sniper with the ability to find his own shot, but can be lethal off the ball? Oh, don’t get me all excited this close to Christmas! Cameron Johnson is not the best defender in the world, but we have seen him play well in a team defensive system, and again, what he brings offensively more than makes up for any drop off in defense.
I’ll be honest, this deal would probably have to include Jalen Green, along with some if not most of the Suns draft picks. Jae’Sean, Steven Adams, or Jeff Green could serve as filler in salary. This isn’t a trade machine article, so I don’t know all the minute details, but Brooklyn isn’t just going to give Cam Johnson away. Mostly because they don’t have to. He is under contract for the next two seasons after this one, and at a very good price. However, if Brooklyn is truly committed to tanking, keeping Cam Johnson doesn’t help in that regard.
“Wait a minute Nick… You said these trade scenarios were one’s where you wouldn’t have to give up any of the Rockets young core!” Well, that all depends on IF the Rockets consider Jalen Green to be a part of that “young core.” The nature of his recent contract extension suggests they might still be in “wait and see” mode with Green.
The Rockets would lose some athleticism and defense no doubt. Jalen has become a very good defensive player this season, but we are all aware of his inconsistency on the offensive end. You might be able to pull this off and keep Jalen, but it’s probably going to cost one of those “untouchables” we spoke of earlier, and probably Whitmore or Reed Sheppard. Good trades always sting a little for both parties.
I wouldn’t be the least bit upset if the Rockets stayed the course this season and let the current roster take this team as far as it can. The Rockets are building a foundation, and when you’re building a house, you don’t go installing the gold-plated toilets before you’ve even hung up the drywall. The Rockets still have young players who could develop to fill their holes offensively. Jabari Smith Jr. being the number one suspect. When he is shooting with confidence and attacking with confidence, the Rockets are a different team.
Jalen Green having been dealing with an illness may be why we saw him revert to his inconsistent shooting habits. Dropping 41 points on 20 shots versus the 76ers was a welcome sight, and if he continues that trend, you can throw any talk of moving him out the window. Can Reed Sheppard establish himself in the Rockets rotation and cure some of their shooting ailments? I certainly am willing to wait and see. As we get closer and closer to the trade deadline, the feeling may be different not just for us fans, but in the Rockets front office.
Morreu Angel Vianna, grande referência da dança do Brasil
2 minutos atrásem
2 de dezembro de 2024 Agência Brasil
A bailarina, coreógrafa e pesquisadora mineira Angel Vianna morreu neste domingo (1º), aos 96 anos. A morte da artista, uma referência da dança no Brasil, foi comunicada em postagens da Angel Vianna Escola e Faculdade de Dança, com sede no bairro de Botafogo, no Rio de Janeiro.
“Com imenso pesar, comunicamos o falecimento da nossa querida Mestra Angel Vianna. Com serenidade ela nos deixou repletos da sua luz e sabedoria. Para sempre Angel!”, diz a nota.
Na nota de falecimento, que não informa sobre a causa da morte, a família informa que fez neste domingo uma cerimônia íntima, em São Paulo, e que, em breve, vai divulgar detalhes sobre a missa de 7º dia no Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Belo Horizonte.
A formação acadêmica e artística em ballet clássico de Maria Ângela Abras Vianna foi no Ballet de Minas Gerais, com o professor Carlos Leite; em artes plásticas, na Escola de Belas Artes de Belo Horizonte, e em música com o maestro Francisco Masferrer.
O trabalho pedagógico com dança começou ao fundar com o marido Klauss Vianna a Escola de Dança Klauss Vianna, onde foi criado o Balé Klauss Vianna. “Onde também era solista em peças coreografadas pelo próprio companheiro, sempre em busca de um novo balé com características brasileiras”.
Em 1999, recebeu do então presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso, o Diploma de Admissão na Ordem do Mérito da Cultura, na Classe de Cavaleiro, por suas relevantes contribuições à cultura brasileira. Um outro título relevante foi em 2014, quando Angel Vianna recebeu da presidente Dilma Roussef, a Comenda Máxima Grand Cru, da Ordem ao Mérito Cultural. Além desses, em 2019, recebeu o Título de Cidadã Honorária da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro.
Na área de educação de ensino superior foi professora do corpo docente da Escola de Dança da Universidade Federal da Bahia de 1963 a 1964; foi titular da Cadeira de Expressão Corporal do Curso em Musicoterapia do Conservatório Brasileiro de Música; e da Cadeira de Expressão Corporal (Educação Física) do Curso de Educação Artística com habilitação em Música.
Com a sua extensa carreira em educação foi também professora da disciplina Educação Artística/Expressão Corporal do Curso de Pós-Graduação Lato Sensu, com especialização em Educação, uma promoção do governo do Amapá em convênio com o Instituto de Estudos Avançados em Educação (Iesae) da Fundação Getulio Vargas.
“Angel é por todos os motivos a Grande Dama da Dança Nacional, a responsável por um celeiro formador de profissionais com intensa”, diz texto publicado no site da Angel Vianna Escola e Faculdade de Dança.
Estará a Europa à beira de uma nova crise do gás? – DW – 12/02/2024
26 minutos atrásem
2 de dezembro de 2024Aumento dos preços do gás nas últimas semanas trouxe de volta algumas lembranças ruins para os comerciantes de energia europeus — e para os governos.
São frescas as lembranças dos problemas que atingiram mercados de energia seguindo A invasão da Ucrânia pela Rússia em 2022. Enquanto o continente lutava para acabar com a sua dependência de Gás russoos preços dispararam.
Além de abastecer já desenfreado inflaçãoisso gerou preocupações sobre possíveis apagões. Os preços persistentemente elevados também criaram problemas para as indústrias com utilização intensiva de energia, conduzindo ao encerramento e à perda de postos de trabalho.
A Europa acabou por sobreviver aos dois últimos invernos, em grande parte graças a um clima mais ameno do que o esperado, que lhe permitiu manter baixo o consumo de energia. No entanto, o início frio de Novembro contribuiu para um novo aumento nos preços do gás natural.
Os preços dispararam em novembro, atingindo quase 49 euros (51,6 dólares) por megawatt-hora (MWh) em 21 de novembro, o preço mais alto em mais de um ano.
Os medos são justificados?
O tempo frio levou a uma maior utilização de aquecimento e, combinado com a baixa velocidade do vento no norte da Europa e a consequente queda na oferta renovável, o gás é mais procurado.
No entanto, os preços permanecem muito abaixo dos máximos observados durante 2022, especialmente porque a procura global de gás caiu desde então. O choque também pode ser parcialmente explicado pelo facto de, ao longo de 2024, os preços terem sido muito mais baixos do que em qualquer momento desde o início da guerra.
“Os preços subiram aproximadamente 40% desde meados de setembro”, disse à DW Petras Katinas, analista de energia do Centro de Pesquisa em Energia e Ar Limpo (CREA). “Então é um salto enorme de repente.”
A perspectiva de um Inverno mais frio levou a receios de que as existências – totalmente abastecidas até recentemente – pudessem esgotar-se e alimentar um aumento cíclico dos preços.
No entanto, Katinas diz que o controlo da Rússia no mercado europeu enfraqueceu muito desde 2022 e que o discurso de uma “crise” é exagerado. “Eu não chamaria isso de crise, especialmente se compararmos o que realmente aconteceu em 2022 e 2023”, disse ele. “A maioria dos Estados-membros da UE já não depende muito do gás russo.”
Como a guerra da Rússia na Ucrânia mudou a economia global
Mas e o gás russo?
Mas as questões em torno do gás russo continuam a influenciar o quadro geral.
A Rússia está longe de ser o gigante que era em termos de fornecimento de gás à UE. A percentagem de gás gasoduto russo importado pelos Estados-Membros caiu de 40% do total em 2021 para cerca de 9% em 2023. No entanto, de acordo com dados recentes do CREA, um aumento no gás russo gás natural liquefeito (GNL) no bloco significa que ainda representa 18% do total das importações de gás da UE, um aumento de quase 5% em relação a 2023.
O gás gasoduto parece estar chegando ao fim. A Áustria, um dos últimos países europeus que ainda recebe gás gasoduto da Rússia, finalmente parou de receber o hidrocarboneto após uma disputa judicial com a Gazprom, a empresa estatal russa de gás.
Embora a Eslováquia e a Hungria ainda recebam gás gasoduto russo, todas as indicações sugerem que o acordo terminará praticamente no final de 2024. O acordo de trânsito de gás de cinco anos que envolve Gazprom e a empresa estatal ucraniana Naftogaz para o trânsito de gás russo através do território ucraniano expira no final do ano e Kiev diz que não o renovará.
Embora o gasoduto TurkStream continue a abastecer a Hungria, o fim dos fluxos através da Ucrânia exercerá pressão sobre os países da Europa Central para encontrarem um abastecimento alternativo.
Borys Dodonov, chefe do Centro de Estudos de Energia e Clima da Escola de Economia de Kiev, espera que o acordo de trânsito de gás acabe porque “a Ucrânia não tem qualquer justificação económica para renovar este contrato”.
Numa entrevista à DW, ele apontou a possibilidade de algum tipo alternativo de acordo ser feito. “Não podemos excluir quaisquer acordos ocultos ou corrupção”, disse ele, e acrescentou que a própria UE poderia fazer lobby para manter o fluxo de gás, a fim de evitar potenciais escassezes em países como a Eslováquia e a Hungria.
Surpreendentemente, apesar de tudo o que aconteceu nos últimos três anos, a UE continua a ser o maior cliente da Rússia, tanto de gás gasoduto como de GNL. Em Outubro, a UE comprou 49% de todas as exportações de GNL da Rússia e 40% de todas as suas exportações de gás por gasoduto.
O GNL poderia finalmente resolver o problema?
Dado que o gasoduto russo para a Europa foi praticamente cortado em 2022o GNL tornou-se mais importante para ambas as partes. Os volumes de GNL russo no bloco aumentaram perto de 15% até agora este ano.
Dodonov insiste que a Europa não precisa de nenhum gás russo para satisfazer as suas necessidades energéticas, incluindo o GNL, devido à nova capacidade de GNL proveniente dos EUA. Ele espera que o novo presidente dos EUA Donald Trump para aumentar a produção de GNL e pensa que a Europa poderia estar preparada para um grande acordo comercial de gás com o país.
Ed Cox, chefe de GNL global do fornecedor independente de dados de mercadorias ICIS, observa que o GNL representa agora 34% da quota total de gás da Europa desde a invasão em 2022, o dobro do que era antes disso. A mudança para o GNL significou que a Europa está agora mais vulnerável às pressões globais sobre os preços. “A Europa está mais ligada aos fundamentos de um mercado global do que nunca”, disse ele à DW, embora a procura global de gás na Europa tenha caído cerca de 20% desde o período pré-invasão devido aos preços elevados, ao clima mais quente do que o esperado. e aumento da capacidade renovável.
Cox acredita que no caso de um inverno frio e do fim do acordo de trânsito com a Ucrânia, A Europa ainda será capaz de satisfazer as suas necessidades de gás através do GNL. No entanto, correrá o risco de preços muito mais elevados, uma vez que a oferta não aumentará dramaticamente no curto prazo. “A Europa obterá GNL suficiente se precisar. Mas isso pode significar que os preços europeus terão de subir para competir com a procura asiática.”
Os preços mais elevados do gás para reabastecer os stocks após o inverno, acrescentou, teriam um efeito de repercussão no inverno de 2025 e mais além. “A questão não é se temos GNL ou gás suficiente, mas sim as implicações nos preços.”
Editado por: Uwe Hessler
7 players to score a Premier League hat-trick on Boxing Day
28 minutos atrásem
2 de dezembro de 2024Key Takeaways
- Only seven players have scored a hat-trick on Boxing Day in the Premier League.
- Thierry Henry, Kevin Phillips, and Robbie Fowler are among the players who achieved this feat.
- Chris Wood is the latest player to join this elite club with his hat-trick for Nottingham Forest against Newcastle United.
The festive period provides little rest for clubs across England and the Premier League, as the fixture list ramps up heading into the new year. Boxing Day is one of the most treasured days of the footballing calendar, with a catalogue of games up and down the country. Over the years, we’ve seen a number of thrilling affairs take place on 26th December and a plethora of shining performances from some of the most famed players.
Quite incredibly, only seven players have scored a hat-trick on Boxing Day in the Premier League, with Nottingham Forest’s Chris Wood the latest player to join that elite club. His starring performance in the North East in December 2023 left St James’ Park stunned and perhaps most notably Eddie Howe, who signed the towering centre-forward for £25m from Burnley less than two years prior without getting any real return on his investment.
GIVEMESPORT has dug back through the history books to find some of the most sparkling showings the top flight has staged, as we take a look at seven players to score a Premier League hat-trick on Boxing Day. Without further ado, here are the selections…
Boxing Day hat-tricks | |||
# | Player | Against | Year |
1 | Thierry Henry | Leicester City | 2000 |
2 | Kevin Phillips | Bradford City | 2000 |
3 | Robbie Fowler | Bolton Wanderers | 2001 |
4 | Dimitar Berbatov | Wigan Athletic | 2011 |
5 | Gareth Bale | Aston Villa | 2012 |
6 | Harry Kane | Southampton | 2017 |
7 | Chris Wood | Newcastle United | 2023 |
1 Thierry Henry
26th December 2000: Arsenal 6-1 Leicester City
Arsenal ran riot at Highbury as they swept aside the visiting Leicester City 6-1. Thierry Henry netted his first Gunners hat-trick on his 50th league appearance for the North Londoners as his side regained their title hopes. The dazzling French forward opened the scoring with a well-placed half-volley that beat City’s goalkeeper Tim Flowers before Patrick Vieira added the second shortly after the half-time interval. Foxes striker Ade Akinbiyi pulled one back minutes later to give the visitors hope but that was soon shattered when Henry spun Matt Elliot and rolled the ball home to make it 3-1 not long after the hour mark.
Freddie Ljungberg netted the fourth of the Boxing Day affair with a hooked finish and then Henry got his hat-trick, having rounded Flowers with trickery before sliding the ball home. To compound the Foxes’ miseries, Arsenal captain Tony Adams added a sixth to round off the conclusive win. “United have to drop a level and we have to be more consistent before I can talk about catching them back for the title,” Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger said post-match.
Match summary | |
Scoreline | Arsenal 6-1 Leicester City |
Goalscorers | Henry (35′, 66′, 82′), Vieira (50′), Ljungberg (75′), Adams (90′) |
Venue | Highbury |
Attendance | 38,007 |
Stats per Transfermarkt |
2 Kevin Phillips
26th December 2000: Bradford City 1-4 Sunderland
While Henry was firing in the goals in the capital, Kevin Phillips was also netting a hat-trick, helping his Sunderland side secure a resounding 4-1 victory on the road at Bradford City. Niall Quin broke the deadlock just before half-time and then Kevin Phillips netted his first of the afternoon shortly after the break, beating Bradford shot-stopper Gary Walsh. The prolific frontman scored another in quick succession before the hosts pulled one back through Robbie Blake, who volleyed home Ashley Ward’s knockdown. Blake’s goal turned out to be a consolation as Phillips completed his hat-trick 10 minutes later to make it four. He could’ve had a fourth, too, but for a missed penalty in the 87th minute, as Walsh denied the England international.
Match summary | |
Scoreline | Bradford City 1-4 Sunderland |
Goalscorers | Quinn (45′), Phillips (48′, 55′, 85′) |
Venue | Northern Commercials Stadium |
Attendance | 20,370 |
Stats per Transfermarkt |
3 Robbie Fowler
26th December 2001: Bolton Wanderers 0-3 Leeds United
Robbie Fowler netted all three of Leeds United’s goals as they secured a convincing victory away at Bolton Wanderers. The ex-Liverpool forward opened the scoring in a flash, firing home past Jussi Jääskeläinen within 2 minutes and then shortly after grabbing a second. Fowler didn’t complete his hat-trick until the 89th minute when he knocked the ball past the onrushing keeper before faking the shot to make room for a simple tap-in. He perhaps should’ve scored four but he missed his 84th-minute spot-kick. Victory for the visitors moved them up to third, one point adrift of league leaders Arsenal whilst defeat for the home side left them teetering just above the relegation zone, having won one from eight.
Match summary | |
Scoreline | Bolton Wanderers 0-3 Leeds United |
Goalscorers | Fowler (2′,16, 89′) |
Venue | University of Bolton Stadium |
Attendance | 27,060 |
Stats per Transfermarkt |
4 Dimitar Berbatov
26th December 2011: Manchester United 5-0 Wigan Athletic
Manchester United moved level with their rivals Manchester City at the summit of the Premier League table with victory, as they thumped Wigan Athletic 5-0. Park Ji-sung opened the scoring after great endeavour from Patrice Evra on the left before Wigan forward Conor Sammon was harshly shown a straight red card for catching Jonny Evans with a flailing arm. Heading into the break, Dimitar Berbatov fired in a left-footed strike from close range to put the hosts 2-0 to the good.
The ex-Tottenham Hotspur striker added his second just before the hour mark, having spun his marker with a clever turn before toe-poking past Ali Al Habsi. Antonio Valencia got in on the act to make it four 15 minutes from time, thundering home a low-drive effort from the corner of the penalty area. And, to round off the hammering, Berbatov completed his hat-trick after cooly converting a penalty won by Park Ji-sung.
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Match summary | |
Scoreline | Manchester United 5-0 Wigan Athletic |
Goalscorers | Park Ji-sung (8′), Berbatov (41′, 58′, 78′) Valencia (75′) |
Venue | Old Trafford |
Attendance | 75,183 |
Stats per Transfermarkt |
5 Gareth Bale
26th December 2012: Aston Villa 0-4 Tottenham Hotspur
Tottenham Hotspur ran riot at Villa Park, although, at half-time the Boxing Day affair was goalless. After a flurry of first-half chances, Jermain Defoe finally broke the deadlock in the 57th minute, beating Brad Guzan with a clever poked finish and then four minutes later Gareth Bale used his pace to get beyond the last line of defenders before rounding the keeper and rolling home. The Welshman netted another in the 73rd minute and then completed his hat-trick just over 10 minutes later, lashing in from 10 yards out. Bale would go on to join Real Madrid for a world record fee worth £85.3m at the end of the season after netting 21 times in the league whilst laying on eight assists.
Match summary | |
Scoreline | Aston Villa 0-4 Tottenham Hotspur |
Goalscorers | Defoe (57′), Bale (61′, 73′, 84′) |
Venue | Villa Park |
Attendance | 36,863 |
Stats per Transfermarkt |
6 Harry Kane
26th December 2017: Tottenham Hotspur 5-2 Southampton
Tottenham Hotspur picked up three points in a seven-goal Boxing Day thriller as they demolished Southampton 5-2. Harry Kane netted his sixth hat-trick of 2017 and broke the record for the most Premier League goals scored in a single calendar year, surpassing Alan Shearer’s 36-goal total at Blackburn Rovers in 1995.
The England forward scored the opener in the 22nd minute when he nodded home Christian Eriksen’s wicked curling delivery and shortly after Son Heung-min played the ball across the six-yard box for him to tap home his second of the afternoon. Dele perfectly placed a 20-yard low-driven effort just after the half-time interval to make it three before Son added a fourth two minutes later. Kane completed his hat-trick with a marvellous chipped finish sandwiched between two consolation Saints goals from Sofiane Boufal and Dušan Tadić.
Kane ended the campaign with 30 goals but remarkably missed out on the Golden Boot, as Mohamed Salah netted a whopping 32 times for Liverpool in his debut season. Notwithstanding that, the Spurs ace went on to win the Golden Boot at the 2018 World Cup in Russia, helping the Three Lions to reach their first semi-final since 1990.
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Match summary | |
Scoreline | Tottenham Hotspur 5-2 Southampton |
Goalscorers | Kane (22, 39′, 67′), Dele (49′), Son (51′), Boufal (64′), Tadić (82′) |
Venue | Wembley |
Attendance | 55,412 |
Stats per Transfermarkt |
7 Chris Wood
26th December 2023: Newcastle United 1-3 Nottingham Forest
Chris Wood is the latest Premier League player to score a 15-minute Boxing Day hat-trick after firing Nottingham Forest to a 3-1 victory at St James’ Park against his former club Newcastle United in December 2023. The hosts took the lead after Alexander Isak converted from the penalty spot but Wood levelled the scores on the stroke of half-time with a simple close-range finish. Not long into the second half the 70-cap New Zealand international was at the double and this time with an absolute cracker.
He picked the ball up on the left and turned inside Dan Burn before producing a delightful left-footed dink over Martin Dúbravka to put the visitors 2-1 to the good, silencing the home crowd. And on the hour mark, Wood made it three to complete his hat-trick, rounding the keeper before slotting home to take his total to seven goals for the season. The newly appointed Forest boss Nuno Espírito Santo picked up his first victory in charge of the East Midlands club as his side rose to 16th, two points clear of the relegation zone.
Match summary | |
Scoreline | Newcastle United 1-3 Nottingham Forest |
Goalscorers | Isak (23′), Wood (45′, 53′, 60′) |
Venue | St James’ Park |
Attendance | 52,207 |
Stats per Transfermarkt |
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