The feud within the Spice Girls that is scuppering a reunion: KATIE HIND reveals how a years-long fall out between two stars is holding back an Oasis-style comeback tour



After Melanie Brown confessed to having had a lesbian fling with Geri Horner on Piers Morgan’s chat show in 2019, things were never going to be the same again between the two Spice Girls.

Two decades on from their secret sexual encounter – something the band’s fans had long suspected – Scary Spice let the cat out of the bag and Ginger has never forgiven her.

The fallout from that episode of ITV’s Life Stories has repercussions to this day, for I can reveal that the feud between the two stars is scuppering a potential big-money reunion of the Spice Girls because they cannot find a manager capable of mediating – or who is willing to.

The potential candidate will need all the diplomacy of Debbie Gwyther, the woman largely credited with banging the heads together of her boyfriend Liam Gallagher and his brother Noel to reform that other great band of the Nineties, Oasis.

The Spice Girls are said to not want their creator, Simon Fuller, involved – nor will Modest Management, the company that managed their tour in 2019, come on board. 

After Melanie Brown confessed to having had a lesbian fling with Geri Horner on Piers Morgan’s chat show in 2019, things were never going to be the same again between the two Spice Girls. Scary Spice let the cat out of the bag and Ginger has never forgiven her. Pictured: In 2012

The fallout from that episode of ITV 's Life Stories has repercussions to this day, for I can reveal that the feud between the two stars is scuppering a potential big-money reunion. Pictured: In 1997

The fallout from that episode of ITV ‘s Life Stories has repercussions to this day, for I can reveal that the feud between the two stars is scuppering a potential big-money reunion. Pictured: In 1997 

The feud between the two stars is scuppering a potential big-money reunion of the Spice Girls because they cannot find a manager capable of mediating – or who is willing to and are said not to want their creator, Simon Fuller (pictured) involved

The feud between the two stars is scuppering a potential big-money reunion of the Spice Girls because they cannot find a manager capable of mediating – or who is willing to and are said not to want their creator, Simon Fuller (pictured) involved

The potential candidate will need all the diplomacy of Debbie Gwyther, the woman largely credited with banging the heads together of her boyfriend Liam Gallagher and his brother Noel to reform that other great band of the Nineties, Oasis Pictured: In 2008)

The potential candidate will need all the diplomacy of Debbie Gwyther, the woman largely credited with banging the heads together of her boyfriend Liam Gallagher and his brother Noel to reform that other great band of the Nineties, Oasis Pictured: In 2008)

Oasis are set to enjoy a sensational sell-out reunion and world tour next year, after announcing the dates in August

Oasis are set to enjoy a sensational sell-out reunion and world tour next year, after announcing the dates in August

Music industry sources say the internal tensions are a ‘red flag’ – despite the chance for any potential candidate to make a fortune from the gigs as the band approaches its 30th anniversary.

 It is a blow to its members, who had hoped to reunite for the milestone, with a plum spot at next year’s Glastonbury Festival now seemingly a pipedream.

One tells me: ‘Managing all five Spice Girls is probably the toughest job in the business, but it is the fallout between Mel B and Geri that makes the job seem like a nightmare.

‘There is always something going on between them – deep down they love one another, but Geri just can’t understand why Mel had to tell the world about their fling. 

‘It has caused a whole load of drama, so they are struggling.

‘The girls are certain that they can get some big gigs, Glastonbury even, if they find the right manager – but they can’t.’

Another huge task facing any wannabe manager is to coax Victoria Beckham out of pop music retirement.

Mel B of the Spice Girls in concert at Croke Park in Dublin. The pop group took to the stage for the first time in seven years to kick off their highly-anticipated stadium reunion tour in 2019

Mel B of the Spice Girls in concert at Croke Park in Dublin. The pop group took to the stage for the first time in seven years to kick off their highly-anticipated stadium reunion tour in 2019

The last time the Spice Girls reunited in a professional capacity was for an iconic performance at the 2012 London Olympics closing ceremony

The last time the Spice Girls reunited in a professional capacity was for an iconic performance at the 2012 London Olympics closing ceremony 

In 2019, the band headed out on a UK stadium tour but fashion designer Victoria notably chose not to join, claiming she was too busy with her clothing brand

In 2019, the band headed out on a UK stadium tour but fashion designer Victoria notably chose not to join, claiming she was too busy with her clothing brand

I’m told that having Posh as part of the line-up is the ‘dream scenario’, with one source saying that she would ‘add a zero’ to the profits.

However, despite the pleas from the bandmates, Victoria is adamant that she will never perform with them again. 

That chapter of her life is ‘firmly closed’ say friends, and she is petrified of doing anything that could ruin her credibility as an A-list fashionista, especially after her label is finally turning a profit after years of big losses.

‘Victoria is the pull,’ says a music insider. ‘The other girls have reunited before and it has been great, but Posh is the final part of the jigsaw.’

Without her, the job of orchestrating a four-piece Spice Girls return just doesn’t seem to hold the same appeal to potential managers. But ‘she is simply not budging’.

‘She loves the girls dearly and is thrilled that they want to get back together, but it’s not for her,’ I’m told.

The other four have been yearning for a reunion for some time.

They most recently reformed five years ago when they played 13 dates in the UK and Ireland, starting at Croke Park, Dublin, to a sell-out crowd of more than 74,000, before finishing at Wembley Stadium – a tour that earned them £70million in ticket sales.

Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton, Geri Horner and Melanie Chisholm of the Spice Girls in concert at Croke Park in Dublin

Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton, Geri Horner and Melanie Chisholm of the Spice Girls in concert at Croke Park in Dublin

Guests at Victoria's 50th in April could have been forgiven for thinking that the reunion was on the cards when the birthday girl was joined by Mel, Geri, Baby Spice Emma Bunton and Sporty Spice Melanie Chisholm for an exclusive sing-along

Guests at Victoria’s 50th in April could have been forgiven for thinking that the reunion was on the cards when the birthday girl was joined by Mel, Geri, Baby Spice Emma Bunton and Sporty Spice Melanie Chisholm for an exclusive sing-along 

Previously, it had taken an Olympic Games to persuade Posh to join them on stage – for the closing ceremony of London 2012. 

Her husband David had talked her into that gig – but, apparently, never again.

Before that, it was back in 2007 when all five performed together, for The Return Of The Spice Girls Tour.

Guests at Victoria’s 50th in April could have been forgiven for thinking that the reunion was on the cards when the birthday girl was joined by Mel, Geri, Baby Spice Emma Bunton and Sporty Spice Melanie Chisholm for an exclusive sing-along.

But despite the bonhomie that night, there are still issues between the women.

None more amply demonstrated than when Mel B was ejected from their WhatsApp group, for which she called the rest of the band ‘d***heads’ earlier this week.

Speaking on the Nineties special of Sky’s music panel show Never Mind The Buzzcocks, the Leeds-born singer said they booted her out ‘because I’m Northern and say what I think and feel and I’m constantly saying to the girls, ‘We need to go back on tour’.’

When pressed on the reason, Mel added: ‘Because they’re d***heads.’

It is that brutal honesty – or perhaps lack of a filter – that propelled Mel to reveal the truth about her relationship with Geri.

As she told Piers Morgan in 2019: ‘She is going to hate me for this because she is all posh with her country house and her husband, but it’s a fact.

It is that brutal honesty – or perhaps lack of a filter – that propelled Mel to reveal the truth about her relationship with Geri. Pictured: Mel B and Geri Horner at Silverstone in 2019

It is that brutal honesty – or perhaps lack of a filter – that propelled Mel to reveal the truth about her relationship with Geri. Pictured: Mel B and Geri Horner at Silverstone in 2019

Having Posh as part of the line-up is the 'dream scenario', with one source saying that she would 'add a zero' to the profits. Pictured left to right: Geri, Victoria, Emma Bunton, Mel B and Melanie C in 1995

Having Posh as part of the line-up is the ‘dream scenario’, with one source saying that she would ‘add a zero’ to the profits. Pictured left to right: Geri, Victoria, Emma Bunton, Mel B and Melanie C in 1995

‘But it wasn’t a thing, it just happened and we just giggled at it and that was it.’

Sources close to the Spice Girls say that Mel and Geri were especially close when the band first formed. While the others would return to their families at the weekends when they were living together in Maidenhead, Berkshire, they wouldn’t. Instead they spent time together.

Mel then 18, and Geri, 21, grew so close that they regularly shared a bed as friends.

They were, says a source, ‘absolutely inseparable’. ‘Both were open-minded young women and they wanted to break boundaries.’ 

When Piers inquired how frequently they slept together, she said: ‘Oh stop it, you pervert,’ before eventually confirming that there had been a solitary sexual encounter.

Geri, 52, was furious – as was her husband, Red Bull Formula One boss Christian Horner, who was ‘absolutely mortified’ by the revelations.

Their anger only grew when shortly after the Piers interview, Mel B revealed that the romance had, in fact, lasted a year – something Geri has denied.

As a source close to the band tells me: ‘It is a terrible shame that they are now no longer close friends, but what is more devastating is the effect it still has on the Spice Girls.’

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Síria mescla forças democráticas sírias lideradas por curdas em instituições estatais | Notícias de guerra da Síria



Síria mescla forças democráticas sírias lideradas por curdas em instituições estatais | Notícias de guerra da Síria

O SDF controla grande parte do nordeste da Síria e se resume ao controle de Damasco há anos.

A Síria diz que chegou a um acordo com as forças democráticas sírias lideradas por curdas para integrar o último às instituições estatais.

A presidência síria fez o anúncio na segunda-feira e divulgou imagens de uma cerimônia de assinatura com o presidente interino sírio Ahmed al-Sharaa e o chefe do SDF, Mazloum Abdi.

O acordo enfatizou a unidade da Síria e estipulava que “todas as instituições civis e militares do nordeste da Síria” serem fundidas “na administração do estado sírio, incluindo cruzamentos de fronteira, o aeroporto e campos de petróleo e gás”.

O SDF apoiado pelos Estados Unidos controlava uma região semi-autônoma no nordeste da Síria desde 2015.

O acordo, se implementado, traria esse território sob o controle total do governo central da Síria.

O Rsul Serdar da Al Jazeera, relatando da capital síria Damasco, disse que o acordo é um dos desenvolvimentos mais importantes desde a queda do presidente de longa data Bashar al-Assad, nas mãos das forças da oposição síria lideradas por al-Sharaa em dezembro.

“Se (Síria) permaneceria como um território ou ser particionada sempre foi um ponto de discórdia”, disse Serdar.

Direitos curdos

O contrato inclui um cessar-fogo em toda a Síria, e o suporte ao SDF no combate aos combatentes pró-Assad.

Também inclui uma afirmação de que o povo curdo é parte integrante da Síria e tem direito à cidadania e direitos constitucionais garantidos.

O Serdar da Al Jazeera disse que não está claro qual seria o status constitucional exato do território controlado pelo SDF e se ele reteria alguma autonomia.

Ele também observou que, em um país multiétnico e religioso, como a Síria, agora pode haver demandas para dar status especial a outros grupos.

“Para Damasco, uma vez que você tenha dado status especial a uma certa etnia, ou uma certa seita, a pergunta é (para) outras seitas como alawitas ou drusos, eles também terão status especial? … Isso não está claro por enquanto”, disse Serdar.

Discussões sobre o Integração do SDF No estado sírio, estava em andamento desde a queda de al-Assad, mas foi dificultado por divisões promovidas ao longo de anos de guerra. O SDF tinha uma posição mais ambígua em relação a Al-Assad do que outras forças da oposição e foi acusado de ser aliado ao regime.

Enquanto isso, o SDF-cuja liderança está secular e ligada ao Partido dos Trabalhadores do Curdishista do Curdish (PKK)-se chocou repetidamente com os combatentes sírios apoiados pela Turca e enfrentou ataques do próprio Turkiye.

O PKK lutou contra a insurgência contra o estado turco desde 1984. Turkiye, juntamente com a União Europeia e os EUA, considera o grupo uma organização “terrorista”.

No entanto, isso não impediu os EUA de apoiar o SDF, em grande parte por causa de sua utilidade em confrontar forças do ISIL (ISIS) que anteriormente controlavam partes do nordeste da Síria antes de serem finalmente derrotadas em 2019 por uma coalizão liderada pelos EUA que incluía o SDF.

O SDF enfrentou mudanças regionais e internacionais tumultuadas, o que pode explicar o momento do acordo com o governo central sírio.

Sob o novo presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, Washington teria fez planos para retirar da Síria.

“A Síria é sua própria bagunça. Eles tiveram bagunça suficiente lá. Eles não precisam de nós envolvidos em todos ”, disse Trump no início deste ano.

Um anúncio em 27 de fevereiro pelo chefe preso do PKK, Abdullah Ocalan, pedindo o grupo para Deite os braços e se dissolvetambém adicionou pressão no SDF.

Leia Mais: Aljazeera

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“Mayhem”, um álbum bem ordenado de Lady Gaga



"Mayhem", um álbum bem ordenado de Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga durante o Grammy Awards, Los Angeles, Califórnia, 2 de fevereiro de 2025.

O tempo, decididamente cruel, gosta de lidar com ironia. No final dos anos 2000, Madonna viu um concorrente emergindo, como sua de ascendência italiana e católica, resultante da cena artística de Nova York e seguidor do transformismo moldado por David Bowie.

Stefani Germanotta, mais conhecido como artista de Lady Gaga, fez um avanço em seu primeiro álbumA fama (2008). A rainha da mãe da dança e do pop provocativo, seu ancião vinte e oito nunca foi encontrar sua coroa. Em 2023 e 2024, Madonna foi reduzida a uma retrospectiva de sua carreira (The Celebration Tour) com, como músicos, uma banda gravada para acompanhar suas coreografias.

Em 2025, era a vez de Lady Gaga, aos 38 anos, para se encontrar nessa situação delicada, ameaçada em seu mercado pelo formidável Dua Lipa. Por trás de um título enganoso, seu sétimo álbum, Caos (“Transtorno”, “Chaos”, uma palavra escolhida para refletir o ecletismo de seus gostos e suas influências) retorna aos fundamentos que construíram seu sucesso: energia para revender, sons de máquinas salgados cuidadosamente por produção, imediatamente memoráveis.

Você tem 78,43% deste artigo para ler. O restante é reservado para assinantes.

Leia Mais: Le Monde

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Ontário para cobrar clientes dos EUA 25% mais pela eletricidade – DW – 03/10/2025



Ontário para cobrar clientes dos EUA 25% mais pela eletricidade - DW - 03/10/2025

A província de fronteira canadense de Ontário deve atingir seus clientes americanos com preços 25% mais altos de eletricidade.

O primeiro -ministro da província, Doug Ford, anunciou a decisão na segunda -feira em retaliação para o presidente dos EUA Donald Trump proposto por 25% de tarifas em bens canadenses.

“Aplicaremos a pressão máxima para maximizar nossa alavancagem”, disse ele em entrevista coletiva. “Não hesitarei em aumentar essa cobrança, se necessário. Se os Estados Unidos aumentarem, não hesitarei em desligar completamente a eletricidade”.

Ele estimou que isso custaria a cada americano um dólares extras de US $ 100 canadenses (US $ 69 ou € 64) em média por mês.

“Acredite em mim quando digo que não quero isso. Sinto -me péssimo pelo povo americano que não começou isso guerra comercial. É uma pessoa que é responsável, é o presidente Trump “, disse Ford.

Quantos americanos serão afetados pela sobretaxa?

Apesar do anúncio do governo Trump de uma pausa de um mês nas tarifas propostas, a Ford iniciou as sobretaxas de qualquer maneira.

“Até que essas tarifas estejam fora da mesa, até que a ameaça de tarifas desapareça para sempre, Ontário não cederá … farei o que for preciso para maximizar a dor contra os americanos”, disse ele.

Ontário fornece eletricidade a três estados dos EUA – Michigan, Minnesota e Nova York. A sobretaxa de 25% afetará aproximadamente 1,5 milhão de famílias.

Cerca de 85% da eletricidade que as importações dos Estados Unidos provêm do Canadá.

A Ford também pediu à província de Alberta que cobre impostos sobre as exportações de petróleo para os EUA. A província envia 4,3 milhões de barris através da fronteira todos os dias.

A maioria das importações de aço, alumínio e urânio dos EUA também é fornecida pelo Canadá. Aproximadamente US $ 2,7 bilhões em mercadorias atravessam a fronteira entre os dois países por dia.

As tarifas de Trump contra o Canadá, o México entram em vigor

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Editado por: Natalie Muller

Leia Mais: Dw

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